58: Izzy - Get ready with me

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Finally, the special day they'd all been waiting for, formal day, had arrived! It was a sweltering November afternoon, and the girls were arriving with their dresses and makeup to get ready at Izzy's house. Mia, who had happily agreed to host pre-drinks, appeared even more excited about the evening than Izzy.

Surviving the past couple of weeks without her sister, would have been impossible. Mia did everything she could to fill the gaping hole their mum had left behind. And Izzy was ridiculously grateful. Mia had even helped her pick out her dress for the evening, and shouted her a makeup session and French manicure.

Priya had been the first to arrive, followed by Tal, Zara and Em. Izzy greeted them all one by one with hugs and gestures to come inside. It was a while since Em had been at Izzy's house and they were all happy to have her there. It meant a lot that they were all together at the end of the year.

Em was focused on creating an official formal 'get ready with me' vlog. She had her camera out and was interviewing Priya on the lawn in front of the pink hibiscus. Priya didn't seem overly enthusiastic. Though Izzy also wasn't super keen to be in the vlog, she'd promised Em she'd help edit it with her.

'C'mon Em, we don't have much time!' Priya moaned.

'I'm done! I'm done!' Em said. 'You can go...'

Priya laughed. 'Why thank you! I can go, can I?'

Izzy ushered both girls inside and they all retreated to the back of the house to get ready in her room.

It felt strange that none of Izzy's friends knew that she'd been talking with Dom. She was so used to sharing everything with them. Nothing had happened between the two of them beyond talking and texting. Still, Izzy felt so strongly for Dom. She'd have liked to share how she felt with her friends.

Unfortunately, Em still clearly cared so much for Dom. She had never been one to hide her feelings and was vocal in her hopes that this evening would bring them back together. Tal and Zara had both tried to dissuade her from this, but Izzy was careful to stay out of it. She felt disloyal enough not saying anything about her and Dom, and she didn't want to ruin the tentative new bond she'd formed with Em. Only Tal suspected something was up and had been bugging Izzy on the side to talk to her. Izzy said nothing. Even though in the two weeks since they'd last seen each other at school, she'd thought about Dom all the time and they'd texted about a million times.

A knock on the door interrupted Izzy's thoughts. She lifted her head as Mia entered her bedroom precariously balancing a tray of champagne glasses. Em stood up quickly and took the tray from Mia. She placed it carefully on the dresser and then turned to hug Mia. Izzy realised they hadn't seen each other since her mum had died.

'I'm so sorry,' Em said gently.

'Nice to see you, love,' Mia responded, tears abruptly welling in her eyes. 'Mum would be happy you're here.'

Izzy wrapped her arms around her sister. 'No tears,' she said, though her own eyes had spontaneously watered.

'You're right. Specially not you!' Mia wiped her eyes briskly. 'Crying and mascara don't go well together!'

Mia stayed to help Izzy dress and do her hair. She tossed a pillow on the floor and got out her curling tongs. The other girls had had their hair professionally done, but Izzy hadn't wanted to spend the extra money. Besides, Mia had done her hair once before for a wedding, where she'd created gorgeous waves that fell long down her back. Izzy sat patiently as her sister replicated the look. In no time, Mia had completed her work. She finished up by securing Izzy's a diamonte pin, to keep the curls away from Izzy's face.

'Let's all put our dresses on at the same time.' Em said, when Mia was done. It was a silly thing, but it was cute that Em was so excited.

Izzy lifted her dress off the hanger on the back of her bedroom door and stepped into it. The dress fell to the floor and was made of a midnight blue material with a soft sheen-like quality. She'd discussed the colour with Dom. They wanted some of their photos to at least look like they were a couple. Izzy hoped no one noticed and wished she'd chosen something less obviously matched with Dom.

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