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Ethan's P.O.V

I entered the café and hung my coat

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I entered the café and hung my coat. I looked around and saw that there weren't many customers today. I greeted uncle and went inside after wearing my apron.

As I was about to go out suddenly Andrew came in front of me.

"Jeez" I gasped keeping a hand on my chest.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" He asked apologetically.

"Yeah just a little it's ok" I said.

I tried to go away from there but he geld my hand stopping me.

"Hey listen" he said scratching his neck.

"Yeah" I said not making any eye contact with him.

"Um look I'm sorry for that day but I really like you" he said softly and tried to hold my hand but I jerked him off.

"Ok listen Andrew I wanna make this clear. I'm not interested cause I'm already I'm a relationship. You and I aren't gonna work out cause we are completely different from each other. You deserve someone better than me" I said softly while also trying to convey the message to him that I'm not interested so back off  but he seemed to be stubborn.

"What you're alrea-" he said stuttering from the shock that I told him I was in a relationship.

"Yeah" I told him.

He shook his head and tries to hold my hands again.

"Listen to me please. Just give me chance I promise I'll keep you happy that you won't regret" he said trying his best to persuade me.

I sighed and said "Andrew I said this before and I'm gonna say one last time, I'm already taken man. I'm not gonna cheat on someone. It's not me and neither does it fit my personality or character"

I stepped forward and kept a on his shoulder and said "You deserve better. Move on and find someone you truly find your happiness in. Andrew you don't love me" I said

He looked up and stared at me confused.

"You're doing this out of infatuation. You're just attracted to me nothing else and in a short period of time you're gonna get over me" I said stating the truth.

He's just attracted to me nothing else. I never got that love vibe from and I never saw him in that way. I always saw him as a friend. He helped me many a times and I'll forever be grateful to him for that. But I can't do this. It just doesn't feel right.

He kept on looking at me digesting what I just said.

"You'll probably leave me or won't even see my face after I let you enter my life. It's broken and I'm trying to fix it. I don't want you to be dragged into something you don't deserve just put of infatuation" I said as my eyes got teary.

A tear escaped his eye and he quickly wiped it and went out but not before giving me a long look and nodding.

I gave him a small smile and he went out of the café.

I stood there for two minutes digesting everything I said and how so much happens everyday but we just fail to see it sometimes.

I took a deep breath and went back out maintaining a neutral face. I sucked at hiding emotions but I can't just people know about my problems.

I started serving the customers and as time passed more and more customers were arriving for the day and my mind got busy in serving them forgetting about today.

It was 7:45 and I was tired as hell.

Suddenly I remembered that I and Alex were going to his penthouse. Thinking about spending alone time with him made me blush and smile at the same time. He never fails to make me happy. Oh and not to forget making me blush every two seconds.

I started winding up quickly to leave for the day. Uncle Rocco has been letting me off early whenever I ask him to these days. Does he know about Alex? I hope not but I'm  happy he does that.

I was almost done as the bell rang indicating another customer.

I sighed and went out only to see Alex standing there with all his glory.

He smiled and came towards me.

"You done?" He asked.

"Almost just me a few minuets and then we'll leave" I said.

He nodded and went to go sit at an empty table.

In about 5 minutes I was done and informed uncle that I was leaving. He nodded and I smiled at him.

Moving out I gestured Alex and he got up putting his hand put in front of me.

We went out and opened the door for me as usual making me blush.

With these small actions I've already started falling for him hard. But I can't tell him that now. I'm scared of his reaction. I hope as time passes I'll be able to confess and vice-versa if he too feels the same.

We got in and he intertwined our hands and kissing the back of it.

"How was you day?" He asked breaking the silence and my chain of thoughts.

"It was okay" I replied vaguely. I don't wanna mention anything about Andrew. I handled it myself so need to drag him in this. But if anything of that sort happens again I'll make sure to let him know while also being scared of his reaction.

"Penny for your thoughts" alex asked breaking me out of trance again.

I'm getting lost in my thoughts a lot these days.

"Oh nothing. How was your day?" I asked shaking off that topic from my mind.

"It was the same. Just thinking about our date all day" he said and I blushed.

He smiled and the rest of the drive went in silence until we reached his penthouse and parked his car in the garage.

We took the lift and he opened the door with the card and oh boy I was shocked as my eyes widened.


Heya people, so here is the next chapter. Did you all like it? Let me know down below in the comments.

Also I have decided that now I will be giving you updates on alternate days so that you guys wouldn't have to wait for so long and we can finish this book early to start a new one. That's the decision for now but I might change it according to the circumstances that will come in the future. I'm sorry for this but I will soon find a solution for this.

If by any chance I don't update on the qualified day I will let you all know as to why that's happening.

Follow, vote and comment cause it matters.

Love you all

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