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-Greyhound Bus-

"Hey Percy," Amanda asked as they rode west to Denver with a stop in St. Louis "what's was it like growing up in the hunt?".

At the question even Clarisse had turned to look at him expectantly and so, sighing, he began the story.

"Well I was taken to be a part of the hunt when I was about eight months and my birth mother was killed by a Cyclops." he began, saddening at the memory of his first mother's death as it still haunted his nightmares at times. "Well Mom was hunting that Cyclops and after I killed it with my water powers she had promised my birth mother that she would take me in and raise me.".

"I'm sorry about your mother Percy." Amanda said softly as she wrapped an arm around him as Clarisse did the same on the other side.

Taking in a shaky breath he nodded his thanks and continued "Well Mom introduced me to the Hunt and the first ones to meet me were my two favorite big sisters Zoe and Phoebe or, as I usually call them, Ze and Phe-Phe.".

"Favorites," Amanda said surprised "I bet the rest of the hunt doesn't like that. And what about us?".

"You two are more like my triplet sisters than my older sisters," he said shrugging "and Ze and Phe-Phe spent more time with me than the other hunters did, Phe-Phe even used to sneak me out to do small hunting missions at times while Ze was one of my trainers. My Mom taught me how to use my bow but Ze taught me to use my sword. The rest of the hunt understands that I have a closer bond with Ze and Phe-Phe than with the rest of them but I love all of my sisters and would die and kill to protect them.".

"So do you have any good stories from your time in the hunt?" Clarisse asked curious.

He gave her a shark like grin at the question, "Oh yeah. One time another one of my Sisters Christy, a daughter of Apollo, and I were in a small town buying supplies and as we were leaving the store a local gang decided they were tough enough to mug us and tried waving a knife in my face to scare us.".

"What did you do?" Amanda asked curious while Clarisse looked giddy at the possibility of a fight story.

He gave her another shark like grin "I kicked him in the family jewels.".

Both girls winced chuckling "That had to hurt." Clarisse said laughing.

"I'm pretty sure I felt one of them pop." he chuckled while both girls went green at the thought.

"Okay too much information." Amanda said disgusted.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly "well after that Amanda picked up a nearby two by four, they were mortal so our arrows and knifes were useless on them, and just started chasing them around trying to hit them with it while the first idiot was crying on the ground. It looked like something out of a Tom and Jerry cartoon.".

Clarisse and Amanda were doubled over laughing at his story at this point picturing the scene "So what happened after that?" Clarisse asked once she got her breath back.

"Well after that we brought the supplies back to camp and we told my Mom the story and, well let's just say she wasn't happy. She grabbed two of my other sisters, Elizabeth and Rebecca, and went back to town the next day with me and Christy. They tracked down the gang again and then my Mom, Elizabeth, and Rebecca started beating them up for it and when they were finished tapped them upside down to the flagpole outside the town police station.". Amanda and Clarisse roared with laughter at what they were hearing which drew some odd looks from the other passengers on the bus. "But I haven't even gotten to the best part yet," he said grinning his shark like grin which was mirrored by the two girls "Ze and Phe-Phe had been away on a small hunting mission for a couple days so they missed this. When they got back and found out that someone had threatened me and they didn't get to beat them up they were pissed. So they broke into the holding cells for the gang, the police had been after them for a while, and beat them up again before leaving them even more hurt in their cells."

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