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"Percy," Bianca called out as she turned the wheel hard, the car drifting around a bend while the mortal girl, Rachel, screamed in the backseat "power up the mist field generator!".

"On it!" he yelled back as he flipped a switch that allowed the car to start generating a mist field that would keep them from the prying eyes of mortals as Bianca floored the accelerator to get them as far away from the burning High School as possible. "Contacting Chiron," he said as he opened the 'glove box' which revealed a crystalline screen that had a rainbow sheen within it before pushing a golden drachma into it "oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering, Chiron at Camp Half-Blood.".

The crystal surface of the screen began to swirl and swim before darkening and then fading away to reveal Chiron blinking in surprise at them…well them and the red haired mortal screaming her head off in the backseat. "Ah, Percy," Chiron said with forced calmness but he could see the worry in the ancient teacher's eyes due to the screaming "did you leave your orientation early? And who's with you? A new demigoddess perhaps?".

"Clear sighted mortal!" Bianca called out from the driver's seat "The one Percy ran into at Hoover Dam. As for the Orientation….well we ran into a couple of Empousai…".

"Empousai!" Chiron demanded in shock before frowning "Kronos' forces are truly growing bold to begin using Empousai as scouts to recruit new members. I want you two to drop of the mortal with you and then return to camp immediately. I…I sense a growing storm on the horizon…a battle that could very well be a turning point in this war.".

"Understood Chiron," he said with a nod as Bianca pulled the Camaro into the parking lot of a bus station "we'll see you in a few hours." Which got a nod from the ancient centaur before the screen went dark and folded up back into the glove box.

"W-what happens to me now?" the mortal girl, Rachel, asked nervously as they looked back at her where she sat shaking but, thankfully, no longer screaming.

"You get out of the car, get a bus ticket, go home, and pretend that none of this ever happened." Bianca said with a shrug "You aren't built to handle the kind of situations we go through, let along do anything in the war we have to fight. It's best if you just go home and pretend that the things you see don't exist at all.".

"But I want to help!" Rachel exclaimed with a glare at Bianca and a glance at him that he assumed was meant to be subtle.

"Bianca's right," he told the girl as he laced his fingers with those of his girlfriend "we're fighting gods and titans…beings that embody Nature itself. It's dangerous enough for us let alone…".

"Then let me help!" Rachel interrupted stubbornly.

"Monster can only be killed by weapons made from certain materials which you lack," he deadpanned "you don't have the training to face the monsters we do, and you don't have any powers or abilities that would help you survive.".

"But…but…" Rachel stammered, grasping for straws to try and stay with them before slumping down in defeat and sending a look at Bianca which he assumed was supposed to equal 'this isn't over'. "Fine," Rachel grumbled before filtering through her purse "but let me leave you my number in case you do actually need my help.".

"We can just use the Iris message to contact you." He said quickly as he gestured to the screen that he had used to contact Chiron.

"Fine." Rachel said quietly before climbing out of the car and walking over to the ticket booth to buy a ride to wherever it was she needed to go. Looking back at their car that only she could see before climbing onto her bus.

"Let's move," Bianca said once the bus was gone "we have to get back to camp.".

"Do you think we stopped the birth of another Thalia?" he asked nervously as Bianca put the car into drive and took off, the Mist Generator still protecting them.

"By Zeus do I hope so." Bianca said with a shudder before they took off down the interstate.


Scowling she rolled her spear between her hands as she looked down at the others at the table with her for the war council. To her right sat Pollux, Miranda, and Poseidon while across from her she saw Gaea, Hyperion, Echidna, and the coffin that housed Kronos' remains. "Report." The chilling, echoing, voice of Kronos resonated from the golden sarcophagus.

"Atlantis is divided," Poseidon said with a scowl "Amphitrite and Triton remain loyal to Zeus and the Olympians as do close to three fourths of the mermen and the cyclopes. Oceanus has begun going around to gather the ancient and forgotten sea monsters but it will take a lot to get a strong enough force.".

"I will find Pontus and Keto to aide you," Gaea said with a nod "they should be able to raise a strong enough force of sea monsters.".

"A large portion of our army, both monsters and demigods, are talking about defecting," Hyperion spoke up with a scowl "they fear what could happen to them after finding out what Jackson did to Atlas and Castellan.". At the sound of Percy's name she looked up, glaring at the Titan of the East for saying Percy's name like a curse, her action copied by Pollux and Miranda.

"While Jackson is powerful he lacks the strength to use the power he displayed for any real length of time," Kronos' echoing voice spoke up, a sneer audible in the tone "he lasted less than five minutes when he fought Atlas and Luke before collapsing. All one would have to do is get out of range and then grab him when he is drained of power.".

"What of the Camp?" Pollux spoke up, the mad son of Dionysus continuing to glare at Hyperion.

"It will soon be naught but rubble," Gaea said with a savage grin "while their oh so special boundary may keep most of our forces out…the Labyrinth offers no such protection.".

"If you can use it," Miranda said with a sneer at the Primordial goddess of earth who was raised through use of the daughter of Demeter's sister "the Labyrinth is an extension of the soul and power of Daedalus, your power over earth cannot take over a soul construct.".

"Be silent you insolent child!" Gaea scowled "Once we have Daedalus on our side I will rest control over the Labyrinth from him and the Demigods home shall fall.".

"The Greek one at least," Hyperion said with a snort "the Romans always make sure there isn't an entrance in their camp.".

"Roman?" she asked in confusion along with Pollux and Miranda.

"Your kind are nothing but a single side of a coin," Kronos laughed from within the sarcophagus "with the other side being those born to the Roman version of your precious Olympians.". The rest of the meeting was spent with the immortals at the table explaining about the Roman demigods but her mind, as always, was only focused on her love, her Percy, dreaming of the day when he would be her husband.


"What's the situation Chiron?" he asked as he climbed the steps to the big house, Bianca at his side as they saw a man in his fifties with grey hair and a beard.

"The Titan and Primordial armies have been moving with much more focus and drive than before," Chiron explained "we believe they're preparing to mount an attack against the Camp, having possibly discovered a weakness in our defenses. I hired a new trainer, Quintus," the centaur gesture to the grey haired man "to help train your fellow demigods while I work on finding the breach along with several scouting parties. I need you and Bianca here to help protect the camp should such an attack occur, I've recalled your comrades as well and am having the Satyrs continue finding more demigods.".

"How are the demigods still at camp handling this?" Bianca asked and he sighed as he knew who she was really asking about.

"Annabeth has been training and avoiding the other campers," Chiron said with a sigh, having seen the true meaning being Bianca's question "I've been having the other Cabin Leaders keeping an eye on her just to be safe.".

"Thanks Chiron," he said as he shook hands with the ancient trainer "and don't worry, we'll make sure that the camp survives.".

"I know Percy," Chiron said with a faint smile "I know."

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