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Climbing off the train followed by Clarisse and Amanda Percy looked around the almost empty Vegas train station. "Alright guys let's find a hotel," he said seeing how dark it was "we'll stay there for the night and continue on in the morning."

Yawning their agreement the three set off and eventually found themselves in front of the Lotus Hotel and Casino. "Alright let's get our rooms and go to sleep." he managed out around yawning. They quickly checked in and crashed in their rooms. Then next day they got up and explored the casino some to see what all there was to do as they had a surplus of time. Amanda and Clarisse walked over to the shopping center while he slipped on some black jeans, a silver t-shirt, and a silver hoodie with some supplies in the expanded pouch and headed over to the buffet line. Walking in he instantly groaned at the long line that he saw there before he felt a hand clap on his shoulder accompanied by a laugh. "Pain in the ass isn't it?" a voice asked him amused.

Turning he saw a boy who looked around his age accompanied what looked like his twin sister who was glaring at her sibling. "Nico!" the girl scolded "How often do I have to tell you not to use that kind of language!".

"Every day and twice on Sunday." Nico told his sister happily which made him laugh. "See!" Nico yelled pointing towards him "He agrees with me!".

The girl glared at them before grabbing both of their ears and pulling "Ow!" he yelled out in pain while Nico, probably used to the treatment, grimaced "Why does everyone grab the ear!".

"Who does it to you?" Nico asked, only wincing occasionally at the assault on his ear.

"It was, OW, my mother. I used some cuss words I, OW, learned from my grandfather. Can you let go please?" he said still in pain as he tried to fend the girl.

Rolling her eyes the girl let their ears go, Nico simply rubbed his ear but he fell back due to his struggling before she let go. "Not funny." he deadpanned, sticking a finger up and pointing at the laughing twins.

"Sorry about that." the girl said with a sheepish look that he thought was cute, 'No!' he mentally slapped himself 'I'm a part of the hunt! I'm not supposed to love anyone like that. I can't leave my family!'.

The twins, seemingly unaware of his internal struggle, stuck their hands out to him happily, "I'm Nico by the way," the boy said smiling "Nico DiAngelo and this is my twin sister Bianca.".

"Hi." the now named Bianca said with a wave that made him begin to blush before he regained control of himself again.

"Percy Jackson," he said with a nod determined to not lose control of himself again "is the line here always like this?".

"Pretty much," Nico said shrugging as they got into line "the food is good so the lines are long.".

The twins chuckled at his groan before Bianca turned to him "So are you here by yourself Percy or did you bring anyone with you?".

"I'm here with a couple of friends, Amanda and Clarisse." he said shrugging, not noticing the flash of pain that flitted across Bianca's eyes. "We've been traveling for about a week and are on our way over to Hollywood to see a relative of mine.".

"Cool," Nico said grinning "are you dating of them or…?".

"Dating?" he asked laughing "No, Amanda and Clarisse are like my sisters so dating them would be extremely weird.", like before he didn't notice the flash of emotion, this time happiness, flit across Bianca's eyes.

The three eventually got their food and struck up a conversation at their table, laughing, and just generally having a good time. When he laughed a little too hard however he felt something fall out of his hoodie pocket and onto the floor. Looking down he cursed at what had fallen, it was a crystal his mom had given him that determined if someone was a demigod by glowing. Before he could do anything however Bianca reached down and picked it up causing it to glow before he covered it up with a napkin.

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