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After the Olympians flashed out he turned to see the rest of the camp about to go to sleep when he called out, "Hold up!".

"What is it Percy?" Chiron asked confused.

Giving the centaur a deadpan look he explained "We still have to select the last two members of the quest Chiron.".

"Oh…" Chiron muttered embarrassed "oops.".

"What an impressive vocabulary." he deadpanned making the ancient centaur blush before he continued "Well I'm sure you've realized that I'm taking Bianca, Nico, Amanda, and Clarisse so with me that's five. We still need two more people for the quest.".

When he saw Annabeth about to open her mouth he was going to say something but Bianca beat her to it, "You're not coming bird brain." Bianca growled at the daughter of Athena.

"Yes I am!" Annabeth tried to sound firm but came across as petulant.

"No you're not." He deadpanned along with his friends making the daughter of Athena growl.

"May I offer a suggestion Percy?" Chiron asked tentatively and, when he nodded in the affirmative, the centaur continued "Well you have someone from Ares and Hermes who have named you the friends of their lines but you haven't done so for the Apollo and Hephaestus cabins.".

"That's a pretty good idea," he said thoughtfully "the Apollo cabin are good healers and the Hephaestus cabin are good at building and fixing things.".

"I'll be willing to come Percy." Charles Beckendorf offered while the rest of the Hephaestus cabin cheered.

"I'll come too." Will Solace added as the Apollo cabin joined in the cheers.

"It is decided then!" Chiron announced loudly to the cheers of the camp "We have our Septem of heroes and tomorrow they journey to find and retrieve the Golden Fleece!".

The next morning he stood on the dock fiddling with Riptide as he waited for the others to arrive. First to show were Nico and Bianca who seemed tired until he decided to wake them up. Turning to Nico he quickly took his friend and shoved the son of Hades into the ocean before turning to Bianca and pulling her into a kiss which she enthusiastically returned while a wet and very much awake Nico splashed back onto the dock.

After standing around holding his girlfriend, and laughing at his best friend who was still wet and grumbling, for several minutes Chiron showed up followed by Annabeth who had, once again, packed a bag and seemed determined to force her way into the quest.

Turning to Nico he held out his hand as the grumbling son of Hades handed over ten golden drachma while grumbling about 'stupid lucky gamblers' while Bianca giggled. Annabeth looked both confused and affronted while Chiron pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered "I don't want to know.".

After about five minutes that were filled with Nico pouting and trying to wring the water from his clothes, Chiron pacing, Annabeth glaring, and he and Bianca cuddling Clarisse and Amanda finally arrived and said that Beckendorf and Will would be there in a minute. Sure enough the sons of Apollo and Hephaestus arrived, each carrying their packs and weapons before everyone turned to Clarisse.

Stepping up to the edge of the pier the daughter of the god of war but before she could say anything the water roiled and boiled before erupting to reveal a massive ship that looked like it belonged to a pirate floating on the water. There was silence before he and Nico cheered and went to go check out the ship…only for Bianca to grab their ears and pull them back. "Ladies first boys." the daughter of Hades said chuckling as the others went to go inspect the ship bar Chiron who was holding back Annabeth.

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