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"So there's some kind of test now?"

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"So there's some kind of test now?"

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AFTER FINALLY LEAVING Sowell's house and sneaking away from the crime scene, JJ claimed that he knows of a man with the last name Persaud. This is what has led to JJ currently being the one seated behind the steering wheel of the Twinkie, directing which roads to take and where they are travelling to. This, however, means that John B has no choice but to just trust that JJ is on the right track to saving Big John and finding El Dorado — he has no other leads and can only hope that this is right.

Right now, JJ is driving the Twinkie across a narrow stretch of road. Either side of them are fields that are most likely hundreds of acres long. Farmers are seen standing in the fields, working their hardest as they harvest the fruits and vegetables that have all grown over time. These get passed onto the workers at the open wooden building nearby, who box everything up and proceed to sell them off to earn money.

Reaching the end of the road, JJ allows the vehicle to slowly roll to a stop before pulling the handbrake up. The key is pulled from its place and tossed to John B to hold onto after it's been twisted to turn the engine off. Then, the three teenagers quickly climb out and start to walk towards the crowded building, with JJ leading the way since he knows where he's going.

"Let me get this straight." John B begins. "So, since you know a guy with last name 'Persaud', you think they've got to be related? That is your master plan?"

"Correct." JJ confirms, nodding. "How many people do you know with that last name?"

"None." Delilah truthfully replies.

"Exactly." JJ states. "I met a guy here last summer with my cousin because we were doing the growing business, and his last name was Persaud. Oh, wait... Maybe it was Percett?"

"No, no. You think?" John B repeats as his eyes start do widen. "This is my dad's life we're talking about here, JJ. You need to be certain."

"I know." JJ corrects, trying to reassure him. "Trust me, I've got this."

They continue to advance forward and gently push their way past the crowd of people, being careful not to bump into anyone or disrupt anyone as they work. JJ directs the pair over to a specific group of people, who are standing beside stacked boxes while talking to one another. Delilah glances between each of the men, realising that all of them are too lost in their conversation to notice the teenagers standing there, at least not until JJ calls out to one of them.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now