5 | beach fight

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"Beat his ass, JB!"

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"Beat his ass, JB!"

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THE BONEYARD, which is what the beach is known as to the teenagers, is usually messy due to the many parties that are held and tourists that like to visit. But Hurricane Agatha seems to have really taken a toll on the place, not just the rest of the island. Some of the old trees that have been standing tall for ages have finally come crashing down to the friend, which only gives them all more seating areas to chat.

The group of friends set the kegger in the sand at a point where it won't topple over and spill the liquid contents everywhere. Kiara hands them each red solo cups she had brought along in preparation, making sure to set some up beside the kegger for anyone that decides to join them. They all then begin to pour themselves some drinks, starting to down it as if it's a competition between the five.

After an hour or so, the sun that was previously shining brightly in the clear blue sky is now replaced by the darkness taking over for the night. The moon rests upon the horizon as it starts to rise, stars being hidden behind the faint sight of clouds. A faint breeze can be felt against the skin as it ruffles their hair, allowing them all to cool down after having a hot day beneath the suns rays.

The boneyard is now crowded with many teenagers seeking for a good time to pass time during the night. Cups of alcohol can be seen held in hands as they proceed to let it burn the back of their throats as they down the contents, trying to get as drunk as they possibly can. It's no surprise to see that there's actually a variety of people attending; Pogues, Kooks, and Tourons (tourists).

Delilah fills two red solo cups up with more alcoholic beverage before walking away to allow the line of people to do their own thing. She scans the area to see if she can spot any of her friends, finding a particular curly haired brunette sitting on the logs as she talks a boys ear off about astrology signs. Lila just lightly laughs to herself at the sight, heading over to them both where she ducks down behind Kie and gives her a warm hug from behind.

"Oh! Delilah here is an Aries." Kie tells the boy, motioning towards the girl.

The redhead merely ignores the mentioning of her name in an attempt to avoid being dragged into a conversation she doesn't want to be part of. Instead, she passes Kie the spare cup of alcohol she had in her hands before swiftly turning and walking away in a hurry. This only leads to Delilah passing by Pope as he has a conversation to a girl about dead bodies since it relates to being a coroner. But, deep down, Del knows that he's just trying his best to keep what they found a secret and avoid the fact that it's really circling around as a thought in his mind.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now