62. Go

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'The whore is pregnant.' Robert snapped

'You were talking about murdering a child.' ned declared.

'I warned you this would happen, back in the north. I warned you but you didn't care to hear well hear it now!' Robert demanded 'I wanted them dead mother and child both. And that fool viserays as well is that clear enough for you?' Robert shouted.

'You will dishonor yourself if you do this.' ned told him

'Honor! I've got seven kingdoms to rule one king 7 kingdoms.' he screamed 'do you think honor keeps him in line? Do you think it is on our keeping the peace? It is fear. Fear and blood.' Robert shouted

'Then we are no better than the mad king.' Ned told him

'Careful Ned careful.' Robert warned

'Do you want to assassinate a girl out of spite or because of a rumor you heard?' Ned questioned.

'It is no rumor.' Varys said 'the princess is with pregnant with child'

'Based off of what information?' Ned questioned

'So Jorah moment he is serving as an advisor to the Targaryen's.' Varys told him.

'Mormont? You bring us the whispers of a traitor half a world away and call it a fact!' Ned questioned incredulously

'Mormont was a slave trader not a traitor.' Varys reminded him, Mormont was his informant after all. 

'I know it's a small difference to an honorable man.' Petyr added and Ned stared at him.

'He broke the law betrayed his family and fled our lands we commit murder on the word of this man?' Ned shouted back.

'And if he is right and she has a son?' Robert shouted 'a Targaryen at the head of a Dothraki army what then?'

'The narrow sea still lies between us' Ned reminded him. 'I will fear the Dothraki the day they teach the horses to walk on water.' Ned added

'Do nothing that is your wise advice? Do nothing until our enemies are on our show us! You are my council, council speak sense into this honorable fool!' he demanded

'I understand your misgivings' varys said. 'Truly it is a horrible thing we must consider the realm, to rule sometimes we must do a vile thing for the good of the realm.'

'I wish this girl no ill will,' Pycelle said 'but should the dothraki invade how many innocence will die? How many towns will bleed? Is it not wise that she should die now so that tens of thousands might live?'

'We should've had them killed years ago.' Renly told him confidently. Ned gave him a pointed look. 

"Your mother would be ashamed of both of you for this." Ned declared. Robert grit his teeth. 

"Dont bring mother into this." Robert demanded. 

'When you find yourself in bed with an ugly woman' Petyr told them. 'You must close your eyes and get it over with. Cut her throat and be done with it.' he smiled over his cup. Ned stared back at him before letting out a long sigh.

'I followed you into war twice.' Ned reminded him 'without doubts without second thoughts. But I will not follow you now.' Ned told him 'the Robert I grew up with didn't tremble in the shadow of an unborn child.'

'She dies.' Robert informed him. 'She dies.' Robert repeated staring ned down.

'I will have no part in it' Ned informed him.

'You are the kings hand Lord stark you will do is I command or I will find me a hand that will!' Robert warned him. So Ned pulled the hand pin off of his jacket throwing it to the table.

'I thought you were a better man.' Ned remarked.

'How dare you!' Robert said standing up 'get out of here go run back to Winterfell. I will have your head on a spike.' Robert shouted.


"Why do you have to learn all the houses and their names and sigils? That seems like a waste of brain power." Hayley remarked as she studied with Bran and Rickon. "Sansa, that looks nice... what are you making?" 

"A wolf." Sansa declared proudly. 

"Good choice." Hayley agreed. Her hand went to her necklace and she sighed. It was nice that they knew, that they knew what she was and they were not scared of her. She loved them, they were her pack and her pack was her family. Sansa too, every pack needs a witch Hayley thought with a chuckle. Sansa smiled back at her. Sansa was alright, she was just a kid, of course she was stupid about Joffrey, everyone is stupid at that age. 


'... JORY!' Ned called and he came rushing out sensing the panic.

'Lord stark?' Jory questioned.

'We must leave, get the girls and...' Ned began as they walked briskly. 'It is no longer safe here, we must leave for winterfell at once.'' 

'My lord?' Jory questioned confused.

"Catelyn has taken lord Tyrion and... well everything is a fucking mess.' Ned told him. 'We must go, leave now before-' but as they stepped into the light they saw red coats, Lions, Jaime Lannister leading them all. They were surrounded.

'It looks like a small pack of wolves' Jaime noted

'Stand back ser this is the hand of the King.' Jory told him. Ned could only hope that his kids were with Hayley. 

'Was the hand of the King.' Jaime corrected 'I'm not sure what he is now....''

'What is the meaning of this Lannister?' Petyr said running outside, now Ned felt bad in not trusting Petyr he was trying to help.

'Get back inside where it is safe. I am looking for my brother.' Jaime informed Ned 'you remember my brother don't you lord stark? Blonde hair, sharp tongue, short man.'

'I remember him well' ned admitted and he saw Jon and Gendry walking up, both of them moved for their blades sensing the tension but Ned shook his head just slightly. 

"Go." Ned mouthed but Jon didnt want to leave him, he could help, he would help, Jaime looked nothing less than vicious. But Ned's gaze was stern, he didnt want Jon getting hurt.

"Lets find Hayley."

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now