73. Off With Her Head

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"...It's complicated. And having all 206 bones in your body cracking sucks, it really does. But, when you're running through the woods under a full moon with no thought of pain or trouble, just freedom... There is no greater feeling in the world." Hayley offered.

"And your vampire side?" Arya questioned. They all piled up in Neds bed, none of them could sleep, the trial was going to be this morning and Hayley could hear Rickon in the cells, she hated that she couldnt get him out, get him safe.

"I dont see you drink blood." Sansa added.

"What's it taste like? LIke really drinking it." Bran questioned.

"I have to admit... at first, it felt strange, the metallic taste. But then, it was like electricity coursing through my body-- a million stars exploding in my mind all at once." Hayley admitted as she smiled back at Ned. "It's like nothing I've ever felt before. It was amazing. For years my mind was constantly filled with I want to do it again."

"And your family?" Sansa whispered.

"We are your family." Ned corrected holding onto Hayley's hand.

"My Hope. My daughter," hayley clarified. "Her name was hope." Hayley whispered. "I had a husband and a family and a screwed up pack of witches and werewolves and... vampires. But I was an alpha. I was the alpha. And now look at me I can't save Rickon, I cant get down there and break the damn door." Hayley hissed.

"I am looking at you." Ned agreed. "I see a beautifully broken woman. A woman that thinks she needs to be the one to save everyone but you dont. It is not your responsibility to fix everything, to be the hero." Ned assured. "We are grateful for you, we love you, I'm so appreciative of everything you have done for us... but dont feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, like you failed because this is not your responsibility Hayley."

"You are my family." Hayley corrected. "You are my responsibility. You are mine to protect and thats what I'm going to do."


"Go time." Hayley told Sandor as Rickon was being brought up.

"What do you want me to do?" Sandor pondered.

"Don't let Cersei leave." Hayley told him simply.


"Don't let her run like a cowardly lion." Hayley told him. "She has a few confessions to make."

"What are you up to, you going to get yourself killed.'' Sandor remarked. He liked Hayley she might have been Sandor's only friend, he didn't want her to lose her head to.

"Just keep her put." Hayley instructed moving to Ned as Rickon hugged him.

"Hayley," Rickon whimpered and she picked him up.

"Hey baby, I'm so sorry about last night," Hayley whispered kissing his forehead. "But its over after today, I promise."

"Are you sure?" Ned whispered holding onto her.

"I'm sure." hayley agreed.

"Truth." Ned whispered kissing her.

"Truth." She confirmed as he was pulled away from her.

'I am Eddard Stark. Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King." Ned looked to Hayley and she nodded. He took a deep breath, he trusted her. ''Joffrey, tommen and mycella baratheon are not baratheons at all. They are the product of incest between cersei and jaime Lannister.' ned declared and the crowd gasped but Hayley had already planted the seed in their minds, it had been spreading since Robert's death. 'They are not your rightful rulers. They killed the last hand-'

'Payne.' cersei declared.

''Because he found out the truth now they are threatening me and the safety of my children to silence me as well.' Ned went on. Jon held tight to Rickon and Bran's hand. Sansa and Arya, usually ever the bickering duo held hands nervously. Hayley stood beside Renly.

"What are you up to?" Renly whispered.

"Truth." Hayley offered innocently. "The truth is a dangerous thing for those invested in fraud."

'Lies!' Joffrey spat 'bring me his head.' Ned let out a deep breath. But Hayley looked to Payne a tight grip on his shoulder.

"Don't move." Hayley corrected he froze and she took his blade from him. "Don't lose that." Hayley offered it up to Renly.

"You know how many heads this thing took?" Renly questioned disgusted.

"The truth folks, you heard it here first." Hayley declared stepping forward. "But I think we need to hear some truth from Cersei as well." Cersei tried to move but sandor held her put.

''Let me go,'' cersei demanded 'I am the queen, get your hands off of me!" but sandor didn't budge. ''Let me go I demand it!''

"Cersei." Roberts voice boomed and Hayley smiled back at him.

"Long live the king!" Was echoed.

"Hi honey, welcome back." Hayley remarked. Renly stared back at him perplexed, he looked like death but two days ago.

"Mum... whats going on?" Robert questioned.

"They are traitors!" Cersei shouted struggling in Sandors grip.

"Cersei," Hayley tsked. "You must not tell lies." Hayley compelled and Cersei felt herself revealing things she never would. She had come here to see Ned confess, to witness Ned Stark declaring Joffrey honorable and the true king, she was so excited to win and be rid of Ned and Hayley both but instead she told the world about what she did.

"I have been fucking my brother Jaime since we were 14." Cersei began. "Jon Arryn figured out my children were not Roberts and I had him killed." She couldnt stop herself, Hayley smirked at the gasp the crowd gave. "Then the little shit caught Jaime and I fucking in the tower and I demanded Jaime handle the problem." she went on and Jon pulled Bran closer. "I threatened Ned Stark to stay quiet and I would let him live. I hate Robert, I hate him with every fiber of my being because I never could compare to the ghost of the woman he loved!" She spat.

Robert was appalled. The crowd gasped out with each harsh truth. Joffrey started shouting bitching at everyone, Cersei just kept screaming truths herself.

"Robert... what do you want to do about Cersei?" Hayley pondered.

"Off with her head!" Arya shouted.

"Off with her head."

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now