77. Mother of Dragons

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Ned held little Faith to him, Sansa doted on her new little sister, Ned couldnt help but think that little Faith would have never been born had Hayley not stepped up and took charge of the falling kingdoms. He didnt think any of them would be here right now if Hayley hadnt come and saved them from their ignorance. She knew the rough world because she lived and died through it, she wasnt going to lose her new family. 

Hayley cradled Faith to her after her possibly 20th snack on her chest of the day. No formula, who would have thought that would have been such a damn pain. But no, from the teat for moons it is. Faith was a hungry little pup. She often sucked so hard she drew a bit of blood. Hayley smirked stabbing a nail into her own finger and bringing it to Faiths lips, she suckled her finger enjoying the taste. 

Hybrid. Her little hybrid.

Hayley pressed a kiss to her forehead as Ned came in, he moved silently to her, he pressed a long slow kiss to her neck before his teeth grazed her skin and she laughed out. 

"Let me suck your blood." Ned teased kissing her again. Faith looked between them still sucking away, Ned saw her red gums. "Looks like you already got a little blood sucker on you, I will let you keep your blood." Ned offered. 

"Thank you, my blood would be a waste on you anyways." Hayley remarked as Arya ran in. 

Faith didnt look like Hope did but she had that same smile. And what do you know that same birthmark Hayley had. Hayleys fingers touched it gently.

"Mum, in the sky- and theres this- they have wings- can you believe-" arya couldnt form a complete sentence she was too excited. The kids ran in behind Arya. 

"We can't understand her either." Sansa assured, Sandor knocked quickly as he entered. 

"Hayley you are never going to believe this but there are incoming dragons." Sandor remarked and everyone ran to the balcony. 

"I understood that." Hayley offered. 

"Targaryen." Ned rasped looking to Jon and then Hayley. 

"I thought you told me dragons were extinct." Hayley recalled. "That looks very fucking alive right now." 

"What do we do?" Jon questioned. 

"Fight a dragon?" Hayley laughed out. "Yeah, no."

"She is coming for the throne is my guess." Tyrion remarked. 

"Of course she is, be on guard, I will talk to her." Hayley offered. 

"And if she doesnt want to talk?" Ned questioned. 

"I can be very compelling." Hayley assured. 


"Who are you?" Hayley questioned sitting perched on her throne, but Hayley should have guessed by the silver hair, but this girl before her, she didnt look much like a princess.

"My name is Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons."

"I'm Hayley. Mother of mostly humans."

"You are sitting on my throne." Daenarys declared. Hayley stood up a smirk on her lips. "I want it back."

"Welcome to the real world honey, where we rarely, if ever, get what we want."

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now