Chapter 31

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The Past - IV

Aiden POV:

Six months.. For six damn months, I have been avoiding facing her like a plague and yet stalking her like an obsessive stalker. I sent James to help her with anything but the main reason was that he would report her every move to me.

I returned from Russia two months ago but I was not ready to face her. I know the moment I see her again, my all defenses will go down in a second and I will lose myself to her. I saw her picture sent by James, she looked sad but she never once called me. I waited for her calls but she didn't.

It's a fake marriage, so of course she wouldn't give a damn about me, she doesn't love me and the only reason she married me was for grandpa's sake. But I know she was affected by me and maybe liked me as well but I was not sure.

I'm missing her too much. I was in my penthouse, working my ass off, just like the past six months, I have been burying myself to work so that I won't go to her but this was eating me from inside.

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I was shocked to see her name on the screen. This is the first time in six months that she called me and I didn't know what to do. My heart was hammering and I was damn nervous. I took a deep breath and picked up.

"Hello," I said and wiped my forehead because I started sweating.

"Hey, how are you?" Oh, how much I missed her soft voice.

"I am fine, why did you call?" I asked hurriedly.

"When are you going to come back?" I heard her small voice and my heart ached, she seemed sad again. It's all my fault!

"I don't know," I said, trying not to say anything that will make her question me.

"It's been six months, Aiden." No baby! It's been six months, 2 days, 5 hours and 13 minutes, as of now. I closed my eyes as I gulped. This is what I was afraid of! Her questioning session, I don't know how to answer her because I had no idea myself..

"I have a meeting in a few minutes, let's talk later," I blurted without thinking.

There was a pause in line, I felt myself getting anxious.

"No, ahm, there is no need to talk later, it's nothing, I understand, attend your meeting, bye!" She said and hung up without waiting for my answer.

I looked at the screen blankly. Why did she hang up like this?! My eyes widened as I noticed the time. S**t! She knows I lied. She will think I don't want to talk to her. Damn! I hurt her again... this time, unintentionally!

I kicked the table beside me and threw all the files from my desk on the floor. The crashing sound of glass breaking echoed in the room as I kicked the vase nearby, I sat on my chair and cupped my head. After a little while, I heard my phone ringing again. Thinking it was her, I stood up quickly and checked my phone, but it was just James. I was about to decline the call but suddenly remembered that it may be about Adira, so I quickly picked up the call.


"Imposter!" she pointed at me and exclaimed in a loud voice.

Her eyes were unfocused and she was absolutely drunk.. drunk enough to call me an imposter...

I was so f*****g worried and mad when James informed me that she was in a club. I drove the route of 45 minutes in just 10 minutes, just so that I could reach her before something happened to her. I know how men ogle at her every time she is around and I was right, there was already a man holding her by her waist.

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