Chapter 22

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Adira's POV:

I stared at the streets of New York as I strolled around cafes and restaurants. I still can't get used to being here.. the place which I used to call home once, was not the same as before.

Or maybe, I wasn't the same.. I sighed and looked at the particular cafe as a small smile appeared on my lips.

It's been sixteen days since we returned back and this cafe has become my escape from everything.

"Hey, isn't it my favorite customer!" a voice called behind me and my smile widened as I turned around and looked at the person.

"The one and only." I said chuckling and her smile widened.

"Come on in, what would you like today?" She asked as she ushered me inside.

"Um, can I have an ice cream cake, strawberry flavor?"

"For sure, have a seat." She went towards the counter and I sat at my usual table.

I stared outside, waiting for her. Katherine, the cafe owner, has become my very good friend since my first day back here. It's weird to say that I made a friend in such a short time but I felt at ease with her, like I am with a family. Very strange but that's how I feel with her. I smiled as I recalled how I met her on my first day back here.


I was looking for a cafe around my office building after lunch when I caught a middle-aged woman kneeling to the ground as she put a small pot filled with milk on the road, feeding the cats. Then she stood up and took out a smaller pot and a bottle of water from her handbag as she poured water in a pot and put the pot on a small stand just beside a cafe entrance as she filled some food in a small box and put it beside the water pot.

A genuine smile appeared on my lips as I watched the woman putting her things back to her bag before she picked up many big shoppers from the ground which I didn't notice before. She was about to walk inside the cafe, struggling with heavy bags when I immediately took a few from her and passed her a loving smile. She looked at me shocked and I just went inside the cafe and put the shoppers on the other side of the counter and turned around to see her coming with other shoppers, placing them on the counter.

"Thank you, young lady!" she said politely and gave me a big smile. I gasped at her beautiful smile. Her smile seemed really familiar... I shook my head.

"Don't mention it!" I replied kindly and smiled back at her.

"Is it open?" I looked around the cafe seeing no customers.

"For you, it is! Have a seat." She smiled.

End of Flashback...

We talked a lot that day, since there were no customers, I asked her whether she could accompany me and she gladly agreed. She was the sweetest lady I had ever met. We clicked immediately, with all the things going around these days, I needed a friend since Logan left for San Francisco after I forced him to go after Erin.

My parents were ecstatic that I decided to move here for good. I was tired, running away and living apart from my family for years. I have taken my position as the CEO of Jackson Corporations and the least I could say is that it was chaotic because my life isn't private anymore, with media and all business associates. Not to mention, Aiden hasn't stopped pestering me.

The man literally stayed the whole two days with us back in London, saying that he wanted to spend time with Atlas. To be honest, he was really a good father. It was rare to see Atlas bonding with someone so quickly but he did.. with Aiden. He also did everything for his son to accept him as his dad. He spent time with him, playing, reading and even when he was sleeping, he would stroke his head lovingly which melted my heart. I kept my distance from him and gave them some time to bond with each other.

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