Chapter 40

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Adira's POV:

I entered the building of Aberra Industries for the first time in years. Receptionist stood up immediately, looking at me shocked and bowed respectfully.

"Good morning, Mrs. Aberra!" Eh? Does she know who I am? For the first time, I didn't correct someone.

I smiled and nodded at her. She ushered me to the private lift.

I still can't believe he actually didn't cheat on me. That stupid man never cleared this up.. Then what actually happened five years ago and if he didn't cheat then what did I see in the hospital room? I clearly saw her pregnant..

What the hell is actually going on?! Why was he there if the child was not his?! And why did he ask for divorce then?

"It's not my place to tell you what happened and how it happened but the only thing I can tell you is that Aiden never cheated on you. He was only trying to protect you the whole time." Simon's voice rang in my head.

Protect me?! From what? Or from whom?!

I sighed.. It's only him who can answer all my questions. He needs to give me a lot of answers.

I placed a hand on my heart, it feels so at peace like all the weight has been lifted. I felt like dying again and again every time I thought about my feelings for Aiden. I felt guilty for still being in love with the man who betrayed me who left me alone when I needed him the most. I was constantly at war with my heart and I wanted this to stop. I can't believe this stupid didn't tell me the truth, even when he knew that I had such a huge misunderstanding about him.

I recalled all his confessions after we met again, his efforts, his determination and his sad face every time he apologized for what happened in the past. We really need a serious confrontation.

I recalled Simon, I wish I could do something for him but.. we can't teach our heart to love someone!

I tried.. God knows I really did.. to bring myself to like him but my heart always belonged to only one man and.. that was not him.

I hope one day, he will get the woman who will love him with all her heart and accept him for who he is.. I genuinely wish for him to be happy forever.

I walked out when the elevator reached the top floor. The girl sitting at the front desk stood up and greeted me respectfully.

"I will inform sir about your arrival, ma'am!" She was about to pick the intercom when I stopped her.

"No need to inform him." She nodded.

"Mr. Aberra is in his office. Mrs. Aberra," She gestured towards his office.

I walked towards his office, knocked twice and opened the door. I spotted Aiden immediately, his expression was grim, looking so dead serious and dangerous at the same time. I wonder why he is so serious right now?!

He looked towards the door and stilled. His eyes widened like saucers as he stared at me like he couldn't believe I was here.

I stared at the man in front of me with a lot of emotions. The stupid man I fell for, he is the love of my life. After everything that happened, my love for him didn't die but it did get lost somewhere in between hate and resistance. I refused to accept him again, burying my love for him deep inside of my heart, but there was nothing stopping me anymore..

I walked towards him with quick steps, his eyes followed my movements as I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly with all my strength. I sensed his body still in shock before he wrapped his arms around me, confirming my presence in his arms.

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