Chapter 19

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Adira's POV:

Sorry? Can a simple apology truly erase the years of pain I've endured? Is that enough to heal all the difficult moments I've lived through? No! It's not that simple..

"Your sorry doesn't matter to me and don't you think you are five years too late for that?" I said nonchalantly.

"I know baby I am really sorry about whatever happened in the past, please I can explain-" he begged almost.

Hah?! The Aiden Alvertos begged just now?

"I am not your baby. Use your words wisely, Mr. Aberra and I don't want to hear anything, nothing that happened in the past matters to me now. See yourself out!" I interjected coldly, stood up and walked past him when he held me by the arm and spun me around. I put my hands on his chest instinctively, not to bump into his chest. He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist, locking me.

"Let go," I said with a warning.

He shook his head, "No, love, please, you need to hear everything that happened and I'm su-" he looked at me with begging eyes but nothing can waver me anymore.

"I. Said. Let. Go." I repeated while gritting my teeth.

"No baby, you need to listen. I can't lose you both again." He shook his head again and tightened his grip on my waist.

That's it! My patience has run out. He asked for it!

I quickly bend my leg, kicking him just beside his private area. His grip loosened instinctively and I took that as a chance to hold his collar as I turned my body around and put my feet between his legs before kicking his feet forcefully, making him lose his balance and gripping his right arm before doing a one-armed shoulder throw. He landed on the floor with a loud thud.

"Ow! Damn! Baby. I didn't know you learned to fight, s**t you caught me there." he said as he rubbed his affected arm.

"Don't you dare touch me ever again!" I warned and sat up on the couch again.

He sat up and looked at me intensely and smirked, "That was so hot," My cheeks suddenly turned crimson red at his remarks and he laughed before he turned serious and looked into my eyes.

"I will leave for now love because I can see you are pissed. I know you hate me and you should too because I did really wrong to you but let me tell you this baby. I have only loved you, this whole life, there's only one woman who owns my heart, body and soul and that is you. I know I hurt you and I want to explain everything so please hear me out. I will be back soon and I will get you both back, I promise." He said seriously and kissed my forehead before leaving.

I was too shocked to respond to anything. He said he loves me.

Did I hear him right?!

The words I was dying to hear from him when I wanted to be with him, what now?!

I could hear the sound of my heartbeat, it was beating so fast.

No Adira! He is just trying to mess up again. He didn't mean it.


I went upstairs to my room and found Logan and Atlas playing video games. As soon as they saw me, they both stopped.

"Are you okay?" Logan asked as I sat beside them and Atlas sat on my lap burying his face in my bosom. I wrapped my arms around him, hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead.

"I am okay. You should go to work now, we'll be fine, I already took a day off, I will just spend time with my baby today." I nodded and assured him.

"Okay, good to see that you're okay. I have an important meeting so I need to go for now, I will be back tonight. Will stay here for a while." He said, kissed mine and Atlas' head. I nodded and smiled, he left.

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