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Chapter 81: Am I Not Kind To You?

Ning Li did not want to answer the question. In fact, she wanted to run away if she could.

She did not expect Gu Tinglan’s unexpected question, and it made the atmosphere thick with tension and awkwardness.

A slight pause later, she said, “Thank you, Master Gu, but no thanks.”

The horse itself was expensive and was not something one could give away like candy. Moreover, Gu Tinglan had gone through a lot to get the horse from another country.

Gu Tinglan found it unfortunate that Ning Li and Yu Pingchuan rejected his present firmly. “Okay, then. But if you have the time, do visit us in Gangcheng, Mr. Yu. You can watch it race, and I’ll be sure to accompany you the whole trip with utmost hospitality..”

Gu Tinglan might have grown up abroad, but the Gus owned a lot of properties in Gangcheng. As a result, in the entire Gangcheng, the man was as good and influential as a local.

Ning Li considered the offer seriously.

However, Lu Huaiyu said, “I remember that the race in Gangcheng is held in March every year. Lili is in her third year of high school this year, so I don’t think she will be able to make it to the race next March.”

Gu Tinglan did not seem to mind Lu Huaiyu’s rejection. “There’s one more race in August. She can visit us then.”

Lu Huaiyu went silent.

Tang Ziqing held his breath nervously, itching to leave right away.

If he had known that Gu Tinglan called Lu Huaiyu out today just to tell the man all those strange things, he would never have agreed to accompany him.

Abruptly, Ning Li broke the awkward silence. “Thank you for your invitation, Master Gu. If we have the time, we’ll be sure to visit.”

She had to show some respect for the kind invitation, after all.

Lu Huaiyu frowned slightly.

Gu Tinglan nodded with a smile. “It’s a deal.’

Su Yuan waited for Ye Cheng in the parlor, but the boy had been gone for a long time. Her patience was wearing thin. She thought that the boy was being mischievous and wanted to skip equestrian class.

After some consideration, she decided to go and look for him.

The moment she walked out of the parlor, she saw a few people heading towards her.

It was Cheng Xiangxiang and her friends. Ye Cheng was also there, but the boy looked dispirited like a deflated basketball. The excitement and joy he showed earlier were gone.

Su Yuan wanted to ask the reason why, but she soon noticed that Cheng Xiangxiang was not in the mood as well.

Worried, she walked over, and the two girls told her what had happened earlier.

“Ning Li is here as well?” Su Yuan was astonished. “What’s she doing here?”

Ye Cheng pouted. “I don’t know, but even that Lu dude is here.”

Su Yuan knew that she was referring to Lu Huaiyu. It was not surprising to see Lu Huaiyu in the club, but why would he bring Ning Li along?


“She knows how to ride a horse, and even defeated Xiangxiang in a race?”

It sounded even more outrageous.

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