CHAPTER 611-620

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Chapter 611: Wishing Her a Carefree Life

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ning Li was stunned for a moment.

This seemed to be… someone’s nickname?

She suddenly thought of the rainbow lollipop that Shen Zhijin had packed in a glass gift box on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the candy that was piled up in the glove compartment of his car.
For so long, she had gotten the impression that Shen Zhijin had always been a loner.
His daily life was very regular, but it was extremely monotonous and boring.

He did not even participate in informal gatherings.

But now, he had specially asked for a TO sign for this “Candy”.

Her eyes curved ina smile.

“Okay. I’ll get Mian to sign it and bring it over.”

As she said this, she thought of something and asked, “So… Teacher Shen, have you any specific blessing in mind? You can specify this too.”

Shen Zhijin was stunned.
She did not know if it was an illusion, but for a moment, Ning Li actually saw a bit of bewilderment in Shen Zhijin’s eyes.
However, very quickly, this expression silently disappeared.

Shen Zhijin’s eyelids drooped slightly, as if he was seriously thinking about this question.

After a moment, he looked up.

“Thope she has no worries in her life.”6

He said.

Ning Li sorted out all the notes and sent them to Lin Fengmian.
Lin Fengmian quickly replied, “Okay.”

He had almost recovered from his injury recently, and the company had only arranged a small amount of work for the sake of his health and well-being.

On one hand, he had already gotten a lot of exposure. However, after going through many ups and downs, his fans were now very solid.

On the other hand, he had been preparing for a concert recently, so most of his energy had been spent on that.

Looking at the whole entertainment industry, there were only a handful of people who had ever been able to hold a concert less than a year after they made their debut.
Recently, the company had been preparing to build momentum, so he was also adjusting his state of mind.

Ning Li did not tell him about any of the bad things that had happened. All she told him was to prepare well for the concert.

The results of Mei Yanging’s biopsy came out very quickly. Fortunately, it was benign. Also, because it had been discovered early, there was a higher hope for the treatment to work.
Ning Li heaved a sigh of relief in her heart.

Mei Yanging was quite open-minded about being sick. There was only one thing: he liked to eat all kinds of delicious food. Now that he had this disease, he had lost one great pleasure.
Yu Pingchuan had accompanied him through all the hospitalization procedures.

The news of Mei Yan being hospitalized soon reached the Lu family.

“Stomach cancer?”

Lu Huaiyu and Old Master Lu were having breakfast together at the dining table. When they heard this news, they stopped what they were doing.

Old Master Lu let out a long sigh.

“It was found in his last medical checkup. Fortunately, it was discovered early.”

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