CHAPTER 821-830

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Chapter 821: Thank You, Uncle Wen

The news that LY had won the National Rally Team Championship of the year and that Ji Shu had won the overall champion driver award at the same time quickly exploded on the Internet.

The headlines of various major media outlets were pushing the news, and Weibo dominated the hot lists. The front page was full of competition-related content.

In fact, someone had even posted just the clip of the last half-lap where Shen Li had overtaken six cars in the last three bends.

Without any BGM, without any post-production, interest in the video of the live broadcast instantly blew up. There were over 100,000 comments and the number of likes numbered over a million.

[ Shen Li, you're the best! ]

[ This one! This one! I watched the whole thing on my knees! ]

[ What she did is definitely god-like. Just based on this one move, Shen Li is definitely worthy of the title of champion as well! ]

At the same time, LY was holding a post-match press conference in the form of a live broadcast.

Compared to the number of viewers during the previous match, the popularity of this interview live broadcast room actually increased instead of decreasing.

Even many passersby who were originally not interested in racing could not hold back their excitement and curiosity after seeing the last video of Shen Li going from eight to second place by overtaking the cars in the last lap. They immediately rushed to view the live broadcast.

Other than Shen Li and the other two drivers, LY's boss, Yang Tao, and Chief Coach Doyle were also.

The first one to arrive was Yang Tao, followed by Doyle.

However, unlike Yang Tao, who had a smile on his face, Doyle was expressionless. He even looked a little cold.

After the two of them took their seats, the audience in the live broadcast room quickly raised their doubts.

[ What's going on? Why is that man here with such an unhappy look on his face? Is this really LY's press conference? ]

[ That's LY's head coach Doyle. ]

[ What? LY won the championship. Why does he look like that? Those who don't know any better might think that it was FN's head coach that went to the wrong place. ]

[ Ah... but he's very strong. His strongest ranking was ninth in the world's best driver rankings! I guess the strong ones will always have a bit of arrogance in their temperament, right? Maybe he was just born with a naturally unpleasant face? ]

[ Emmm... Forget it, I'll just wait for Shen Li and Ji Shu to show up! Who doesn't like looking at handsome guys and beautiful girls? ]

[ Exactly! Why isn't Sister here yet? Wait, wait, wait! ]

On the other side, backstage.

Shen Li took a sip of water and walked to the side to make a call.

After three rings, the person on the other end picked up.


The usual lazy tone.

"LY's press conference is about to start. Why are you still calling me?"

Shen Li laughed.

"It's just that I was afraid that you'd be unhappy."

Null sneered.

"If you were really afraid, would you still have competed like that on the field just now? Don't you know that an old person's heart can't take such a scare?"

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