CHAPTER 431-440

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Chapter 431: Disaster After Disaster

Ye Ci picked up the phone.

“Hello, Teacher Liu?”

“Miss Ye.” The other party’s voice came from the receiver. “There’s a problem with your overseas study procedure. I’m afraid it can’t be done for the time being.”

Ye Ci was stunned.

“What? What does this mean?”

“It’s like this. We found that you are now involved in a case of intentional injury. The police have already opened a case to investigate. Under such circumstances, your visa will not be approved.”

Ye Ci understood every word that the other party said, but when they were put together, she was dumbfounded.

“What case? Why don’t I know about it?”

“We don’t know much about this. Miss Ye, you should look into it yourself. I’m sure that this matter will be quite troublesome. However, if you manage to resolve it as soon as possible, you might still be in time. Otherwise, we can only apologize.”

In an official tone, the other person finished speaking and he hung up the phone.

Ye Ci was completely dumbfounded.

Su Yuan heard a bit of the content and could not help but frown.

“Lil Ci, what’s going on? What’s wrong with your overseas study procedures?”

Ye Ci shook her head.

“I don’t know either…”

Suddenly, a suspicion appeared in her mind.

–Liu Ying!

As if to verify her thoughts, her phone rang again.

Seeing the number displayed on the screen, Ye Ci’s heart skipped a beat.

Her whole body stiffened as she tapped the call button.

“Excuse me, is this Ye Ci speaking?”

Ye Ci answered slowly.

“… I am.”

“Hello, we are from the Yunzhou police station. Someone reported a case today, saying that you had intentionally injured someone and caused a miscarriage. So now, we would like to invite you to come to the police station to cooperate with the investigation.”

Ye Ci’s throat was dry.

“What intentional injury? I don’t know! Someone must have deliberately framed–”

The police officer’s tone was serious.

“The person who reported the case came with evidence, so please cooperate.”

This was a police summons, and she had no right to refuse.

Ye Ci almost thought that she heard wrong.


What evidence?

She hung up the phone in a daze, without fully realizing what had just happened.

Hadn’t her father said that he had already calmed Liu Ying down?

Why had such a thing happened now?!

“Mom…” She looked to Su Yuan in a panic.

Su Yuan had also heard the police’s words, and her expression did not look too good. She quickly went forward to comfort her:

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