Chapter 2: Watching Spidey vs Electro

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Slanted text will be the footage.

Normal text will be them watching it.

Nothing suspicious was happening yet. There was just a large crowd in Times Square - as usual.

Superboy was annoyed as to nothing happening, "You sure you aren't too far back?" he asked Dick.

Wally noticed something. There was a man in the crowd wearing a hoody and pushing his way past everyone towards the vents in the middle of the road. "He isn't. Over there. The vent." Wally pointed out.

They all looked closer. The man crouched in front of the vents and pulled it open before suddenly grabbing onto the large electrical cords underground, the crackling of the electricity even being heard from the camera.

"Is the guy trying to kill himself??" M'gann questioned. Wally knew otherwise. Considering his experience as a speedster, he knew what absorbing electricity looks like.

The man continued to absorb the electricity, making the screens around Times Square beginning to glitch. A cop began to make his way towards the man as the citizens backed away, Everybody, get out of the way, please! Get out of the way!" the one cop yelled. The crowd finally dispersed and the cop could get a clear view of the man. He held onto his gun as he slowly and cautiously made his way towards him, "Sir! get your hands away from the cable right now!" he yelled and repeated as the man slowly lifted up his head and let go of the cables, revealing nothing but a man covered in blue skin with what looked like electricity running through his veins.

M'gann covered her mouth in shock, "What... happened to him?" she asked.

"I don't know." Dick answered, completely focused on the screen.

The cop suddenly pulled his gun out at the man, shocked by his appearance, "You stay right where you are. Do not move. Freeze!" the cop yelled. The blue man, afraid of the man firing, began to stumble back into the road. The cop continued to order the man to get down and freeze, but nothing worked.

Suddenly, a truck began beeping for the man to get out of the way as the car headed straight for him. The man spun his head towards it and suddenly shot a beam of electricity at it, causing him to be able to control it. With 2 beams of electricity still spurting from his hands connected to the truck, he lifted it over his head and threw it the the other side of him.

"I see why they called him Electro." Kaldur added.

The crowd began running futher and further away as baricades were being set up by arriving cops for them to get behind. The cop cars surrounded the inexperienced Electro in a circle. He attempted to run away, but there was nowhere to run so he stopped in the center of the circle. "Stop!" he begged.

M'gann noticed something the rest didn't yet. She could hear the emotion in his voice, "He's afraid. Why are they doing that?" she stepped up.

"It's New York. What'd you expect? Why do you think most heroes don't even spend a lot of time there?" Wally answered.

M'gann looked at Wally, then back at the screen as she held onto his wrist.

The cops stepped out of their cars and pointed them at him, ordering him to get onto the ground as the man kept begging them to stop, "Stop! Please! I didn't mean to-It's not my fault!" he continued begging. Electro kept on looking around in fear when he suddenly noticed the camera recording him. He froze and looked up at the screen as they began displaying the recording of him. He watched in silence and awe as he spun around, "They... they see me." he muttered under his breaths.

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