Harry vs Peter

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22 August; 07:35 AM; Midtown High

Peter and MJ patiently waited for Harry to arrive to school at the fountain. Both sat side-by-side on the edge, "So when's the next mission, tiger?" MJ asked him with a smirk.

Peter laughed slightly at the nickname as usual. "Uhh, nope. It's been quiet for a while over there."

"And how's the Kingpin mission going along?" she asked.

He readjusted his sitting position to focus on her, "Well, it's going. I know his real name. I know what he's planning to do-"

"And what is that, exactly?" she asked as she leaned forward.

He looked around them to see if anybody was watching or listening before he leaned in closer, "He's gonna run for mayor." 

"What??" She questioned with her eyes widened. "Why-why would he even do that? HOW would he even do that? Considering who's running for mayor this year, the chances Kingpin is winning this election is 0 to none." she explained.

"Wilson." He corrected as he looked away from her and at the gate to see if Harry was there.

She looked at him confusingly, "Excuse me?" she asked.

He looked back at her, "His name's Wilson Fisk." he continued.

She leaned back from shock, "Wilson Fisk? As in, Fisk Industries?" she asked.

"Fisk Industries? Sounds like a ripoff of Stark Industries." he joked.

"Peter, have you even heard of Fisk Industries??" She asked annoyingly. He shook his head awkwardly and she sighed before she began taking out her phone from her pocket, "You're lucky you're cute." she said, making Peter smile and blush. She held the phone up between them after having typed something up. It was an article on Fisk Industries, "Fisk Industries creates high-tech technology of all sorts. They're obviously not a competitor to say Stark industries or Wayne Tech, but it is to industries like Queen Industries. It's had an anonymous CEO and owner ever since it was founded, which was about 5 months ago, and..." She scrolled down a bit, "That anonymous person is being revealed in 2 days time."

They looked at each other, having the same idea, "The same day the people running for mayor are presented-"

"AND give their official speeches." she continued.

"It's the perfect time to present himself. Show he's the head of a company, he has the presentation-"

"Harry's here." MJ suddenly said. He turned towards the direction she was looking at, which was the entrance gate. Harry walked through the entrance with an angry look on his face, which confused the both of them, "He looks angry." 

Both got up and left their bags at the fountain before they made their way over to him, "Hey, you oka-" Peter began, but was suddenly interrupted by a punch sent flying into his face from Harry.

"Harry!" MJ scolded.

Peter fell back onto the ground and Harry breathed heavily from his anger, "I trusted you, Pete!" Harry yelled as he got down to Peter and began attacking him.

It didn't hurt for Peter, but he still tried blocking and calming Harry down, "Harry stop!" he told him. MJ tried to throw Harry off, but he wouldn't budge. She looked up and noticed everyone staring and some recording and cheering. She also noticed Flash nearby walking towards them. She gestured for him to come help and he nodded. He rushed over and helped MJ get harry off of Peter. Flash held Harry back as MJ helped Peter get back onto his feet. Harry tried getting out of Flash's grip, but he was too strong. Flash held him by his arms, "Calm down, rich boy." he said.

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