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Spider-Man swung home after his conversation with Harry. Guilt filled his heart with every web he shot. He couldn't believe what he had just done, denying his best friend his blood. But he still stuck with his reasons. It was WAY too dangerous. Considering the amount of corruption in Oscorp and what his blood could do to Harry. It was too much of a risk to take.

He landed outside his window and peeked through to see if anyone was inside his room. MJ was sitting on his bed worryingly - probably about if Harry was guilty or not. Megan stood in her human form in front of one of his posters, examining it. And Connor sat on his chair, facing away from his desk. All of them were waiting for Peter to return.

Peter sighed and slid open the window, making all of them spin their heads towards him. MJ stood up as Peter crawled in then landed on the floor. He took off his mask and looked at his friends. They all stared at him, waiting for an answer to leave his lips. 

Peter threw his mask on his bed, "It wasn't him." he told them.

"What?" Megan questioned.

Connor stood up and added, "Morbius told us-"

"It wasn't Harry. From what he knew, Morbius betrayed him and was going to run off with the cure. They both were tricked." Peter told them.

"And how do you know he's lying?" Connor asked as he crossed his shoulders. It was good having an unbiased person helping. It helped Peter think more clearly.

Peter turned to MJ, "... He swore on his mother." he said.

MJ froze as she stared intently into Peter's eyes. She was also one of the few that knew of when Harry said this. He turned to the other heroes, "Harry's not lying." she told them.

"But how do you-" Connor began.

"Harry's mother died in front of him. Everytime he swears on his mother, he tells the truth. He would never forsake his mom's memory by lying. Harry could be as evil as the Green Goblin and he was still keep that promise." MJ interrupted.

Connor and Megan stared at her, understanding what she said. While they couldn't relate, they understood. "...What happened then? I'm sire harry didn't take the news well." 

Peter shook his head as he began to walk to his computer, "Not at all.. He... he asked me to give him my blood." he told them.

"Your blood? Why?" MJ asked.

"Cross-species genetics." Connor quickly answered. Peter sometimes forgot that he was also super smart, "He thought because your your enhanced healing that your blood could heal him."

Peter nodded, "Yeah." he said as he began to type of the computer.

"And? What did you say?" MJ asked.

"I said no of course." Peter said as he turned around.

Everyone was silent. Then MJ spoke up, "...What?" she questioned.

"It was too dangerous. We saw what happened to Lizard and Morbius." Peter told them.

"And we saw what happened to Black Cat!" MJ replied, stepping closer to Peter, "She's perfectly fine! And so are you! If you gave him your blood-!"

"He could turn out worse than any of them!" Peter replied, "I've had my powers for almost 2 or 3 years now! The mutation has already latched itself onto my cells! It would be too dangerous for him to even take a small sample of my blood. Everytime cross-species genetics is attempted, you either die, or succeed and it can't be replicated again! We saw what happened to Morbius when he tried it." Peter spun around back towards the computer, "But he was keeping something from me."

The Amazing Spider-Man of Young Justice (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now