Scorpion vs Spider-Man

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Peter left the office and walked over to Betty with a saddened look on his face, which Betty noticed, "You alright, Pete? Was it Jonah?" she asked concerningly.

He shook his head, "No, it's fine. I was just... reminded of something." he explained, which made Betty's concern begin to fade. He finally changed his expression to a happier one, "So. 80 bucks."

Betty's eyes widened, "All that for the Spider-Man photos?" she asked suspiciously as she opened a drawer under her desk.

"No. 50 for the Spider-Man ones and 30 for the non-Spider-Man ones." he explained as Betty took out some money and shut the drawer.

"He even payed you for the non-Spider-Man ones? That's very... not-Jonah of him." she said as she handed him the money.

Peter went on to could it, "And I'm loving it. See ya, Betty." he said before he walked off to Artemis and MJ.

"See ya, Pete." She told him and she got back to her work.

He walked to the 2 girls with a smile on his face and excitement of MJ's, "So? How much?" she asked anticipatingly.

He held up the money with a smile, "80 bucks." he said, making MJ's smile grow wider.

"Well it's about time he paid you for all the photos." she said as she patted him on his shoulder.

"I don't get it. Does he normally not do that?" Artemis asked the 2.

Both looked at each other before they started laughing at what she just said, "Jonah has an obsession with Spider-Man. Normally, he doesn't take any of Pete's photo's if they don't include Spider-Man." MJ explained.

"And he paid you for all of it this ti-" Artemis began.

Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard coming from Jameson's office. The sudden noise made almost everyone on the floor fall back. The trio stared at the office, looking through the windows and now seeing Jameson being held up by a... Scorpion tail?

"Get everyone out of here." Peter told the 2 girls, who nodded. The 2 then went on and helped everyone to get out of the floor. 

Peter on the otherhand?

He ran off to change into something more... suitable of the moment.

Scorpion pulled Jameson back now, "Tell me who takes the pictures of Spider-Man!" Scorpion ordered.

"I have no idea what you are talking about!" Jameson lied. Scorpion growled and grabbed Jameson by the neck before turning right-side-up.

"Don't lie to me!" Scorpion yelled at him.

Jameson struggled for breath and with words, "I-I really don't know. I swear. The photos just come to us through the mail." he managed to utter out.

Scorpion simply began to growl more, "Then you're useless." he said and his tail began to lift up and direct itself towards Jameson for a killing blow. 

He was about to attack, but suddenly, he heard a voice from behind him, "Put him down, greenie."

Scorpion turned around and out of Jameson's way.


He was hanging upside down from his web outside, directly through the whole in the wall, "About time you showed up." Scorpion told him and he dropped Jameson.

Jameson stuck his finger up at Spider-Man, "You! Once this is on the pare, you'll-" Spider-Man webbed Jameson's mouth shut.

"Could you please?" Spider-Man told him and turned to Scorpion, "Now where were we?" he asked with a smile. Scorpion growled before he leaped at Spider-Man, tackling him outside.

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