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The princess completely messed up.

How could she mention something about insomnia and the nightmares when he never told him?! She only read it in the book! How will she explain this? Bjorn will only end up thinking that she's a creepy stalker that even know how well he sleeps or not.

"I still can't believe you went outside the palace, Tiana!" Elliot gazed at her with sparkling eyes while holding his new books close to his chest.

His servant managed to sneak him out and bring him to Tatiana's room as per her order. She has complete control over that servant ever since the incident and now she enjoys hanging out with Elliot in her room for short periods every day.

It's the following day after she returned and she received scolding from both William and Emma all night long. She won't be doing it any time sooner again. She was traumatized by Emma and William. Even the gifts did not appease their anger.

William specifically scolded her about her safety and how the people outside the palace have malice and are willing to kill for money. He would not stop saying that she will now be under strict supervision and even confiscated Emma's identification tag.

Emma also scolded her about getting into trouble and how the queen will use it against her if she found out and how lucky she was that Bjorn was with her or else she won't be able to come back alive. Which was in fact true because she couldn't even move when she face danger.

"If we find a solution to our problem, then I'll sneak you out too—" Tatiana felt a chill run down her spine and felt like someone was cursing behind her back.

That's when she saw Emma peeking and glaring at her from behind the sofa while cleaning up the floor. Tatiana let out a nervous laugh and waved her hands out in the front.

"I was just joking, Emma," she forced out a smile. Emma slowly submerged back below the sofa to go back to what she's doing.

"Was the capital really beautiful?" Elliot asked, "I've only read about and saw it from paintings."

"It was breathtakingly beautiful," Tatiana said and smiled at him, "the buildings were tall and the people were buzzing around and minding their own business. The street food was delicious and there are still so many things I haven't tried out. You'll love it there Elliot."

"I really do hope so," Elliot smiled sadly and looked down on his books, "At least you got me these. Thank you, Tiana."

"Anything for you, Elli. So, you should eat and rest as much as you can so that you'll become stronger."

"I will!" Elliot said, "I want to train with you and become stronger."

"And when you grow older, you can start on developing the air transportation you've been reading about."

Their conversation was cut short when Elliot's personal servant came with a trolley to take him back to his room before the Queen's daily routine. But Tatiana bets that she doesn't really go there every day. It's just an act that she puts up to show the people that she cares about her little boy.

Her blood still boils whenever she remembers what that woman did to Elliot. If she can't even take care of him properly then she shouldn't even bother controlling him. She's just a mother by name, she doesn't really care about Elliot.

"Emma, did the music box suit to your liking?" she asked her but there was no response. She stood up and went to the sofa where Emma was cleaning and sat down.

"I already apologized, Emma. Will you still not forgive me?" she wooed her sweetly and slid on the sofa's backrest and found Emma silently crying behind it. Tatiana was shocked and ended up rolling of the sofa and fell on the carpet with a thump.

"Aw!" she winced but immediately got back up and crawled towards Emma. "Why are you crying?!"

"Because you don't even know how worried and scared I was!" Emma bawled, "I was scared that Sir Bjorn might bring back a lifeless body!"

Tatiana immediately felt bad for Emma. She didn't know that Emma was this scared. She thought that Emma was only over reacting and did not think much of it.

"I'm really sorry, Emma!" she apologized sincerely, "I was so selfish and only thought about myself. I promise I won't do it again."

"I don't believe you," Emma glared at her in the midst of bawling and reached out her hand, Tatiana immediately understood and handed over the tissue. Emma sneezed, a lot.

"At least I'll promise that I won't die." Tatiana assured her, "I will also make sure that I won't get hurt."

Emma rolled her eyes at the princess and calmed herself down. Tatiana noticed something glimmer in Emma's neck and realized that it was the necklace that she gave her.

"The necklace suits you!" Tatiana tried to lighten up the mood, "please stop crying, you're breaking me heart."

Emma looked at her face and bawled again. The princess couldn't help but laugh and hug Emma back.

"It is I, William!" he announced from outside. The door opened and William entered the room just to see two girls hugging each other while the other one is bawling and covered in tears and snot.

"Goodness gracious, both of you look like a mess." William sighed and stood formally at the corner like he usually does.

William cleared his throat and tightened his necktie. Tatiana immediately noticed the black and yellow striped tie that she gave him last night. The tie doesn't match his overall look and it somehow weird but he still wore it and is proud of it.

"You look dashing, William!" Tatiana squealed and felt overjoyed. William only smiled and stood proudly pushing his chest out. Emma ended up laughing because of it.

It was simple times like this that made Tatiana appreciate the second life she's given with.



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