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Bjorn felt restless. He had never been away from the training grounds for this long, unless a job order was given to him. His body wants to move and get tired, but even Morgan isn't up for the challenge.

The training was the only thing that kept him busy, and it also calmed him down and let him think clearly. These days felt like an emotional roller coaster, and he did not like the fact that he had no control over it. All his life, he wanted to control it. He wanted to know what lies ahead so he could prepare himself for what happened and control the situation or problem thrown at him, but this trip was different.

The princess was having a hard time. He was always sure and confident about his feelings and thoughts, and he always treats them separately, but ever since Tatiana woke up from the coma, his whole system crumbled and he lost reason. Sometimes, he does things that he never planned on doing.

'Let's call off the engagement.'

That thought should make him happy. It's what he wanted all these years, to be freed from the strings of becoming the kingdom's weapon, but now he isn't so sure anymore. Tatiana begged for them to be engaged and she was consistent in chasing him all these years, and suddenly, when she lost her memories, her feelings faded along with it.

Not to mention that she keeps mumbling a man's name in her sleep and forgets about it by the time she wakes up. Bjorn had thought countless times of thinking of asking her about that man but he just could not bring himself to it.

'It's her life, not mine so why should I care?' he often asks himself, but he also thinks about who this man is. They grew up together and attended social gatherings together and he is not familiar with any nobles that are named Simon.

It frustrates him because he wants to know who that person is and why he appears in her dreams and she always has that sad expression on her face when she mentions the boy.

"Help! Help! Help!"

Bjorn snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Tatiana asking for help. Morgan immediately stood up and looked around.

Tatiana ran towards them, coming from the gate with a boy in her arms. She pulled the other children with her as well and hid behind Bjorn.

"Bjorn! Bjorn!" she repeatedly called and grabbed onto his arm tightly.

"What is it?" Bjorn asked. What happened that she now looks so scared and fidgety?

Tatiana hid behind Bjorn's frame and peeked through. A cloaked man walked towards the gate, his face covered by the hood. Tatiana's heart felt like it was going to burst from her chest, she felt the same fear when she and Emma tried to prank the queen and ended up running instead.

"There's a man outside," she whispered. "He was talking to one of the kids and chased after us."

Morgan stepped forward, blocking Tatiana and the children behind them. Bjorn pointed his sword at the man who was standing outside the gate without a sound.

"Reveal yourself," Bjorn warned. "If you take a step closer to the gate, I'll have your head cut off in an instant."

"No. no, I don't mean harm!" It was a voice of a man. "I just came here because I heard that you were looking for a teacher?"

"Hmm?" Tatiana stepped out but Bjorn blocked her with his arm.

"Don't trust people so easily," he said in a low voice and turned to the man, "show us your face!"

"Uhh, sure!" the man was carrying a suitcase in his hand and a handbag in the other. He realized that he didn't have any free hands to lift his hood, so he clumsily let go of both his belongings and ended up panicking and picking them up. "I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!"

"I think he's fine," Tatiana said, furrowing her eyebrows. He's not dangerous if he's that clumsy, but when she watched dramas, there are also bad guys pretending to be clumsy and bashful, so she stepped back just in case. She doesn't want to get hit by stone again, her wound has not even healed completely yet.

The man finally stood still and touched the edges of his hood. Everyone held their breath for the revelation while Morgan and Bjorn prepared their swords.

When the man lifted his hood, it exposed scruffy brown hair and a fair face. Tatiana could not believe it at first, but when she squinted her eyes and realized something, her heart dropped. A tall skinny guy with brown scruffy hair.

Everything around her turned into muffled sounds as she made her way out of the knights' protection. Her eyes focused on the guy outside the gate and she felt a sudden urge to look closely and see if she was just hallucinating.

Bjorn followed her with his eyes. The princess seemed to be in a daze and her eyes are locked on the man outside the gate. His expression changed when he heard the princess whisper while she walked away. His body froze and his ears could not believe what they were hearing.

"Tatiana," he called out to her, but she didn't seem to hear him. "Tatiana."

The princess was so fixated on the man that she did not seem to be aware of her surroundings. Bjorn grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. Tatiana whirled and faced Bjorn, but her face still looked like she was in a daze.

"Snap out of it, princess!" Bjorn raised his voice.

Tatiana woke up from the trance and looked into Bjorn's eyes. Something about her did not seem right. Something about her expression changed.

"Simon," she whispered. "Simon."

Bjorn's jaw clenched. It's that cursed name again. The name that she repeatedly calls in her dreams. The name that made her cry in her sleep, the name that she still calls desperately for.

Who the heck is Simon?



Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now