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Tatiana ran outside of the palace screaming in joy.

The workers looked at her but some did not because they got used to it already. She zoomed through the fields and it was the first time since she came here that she felt really happy and excited. For the first time in her life, she was about to do something great.

"Morgan! Morgan!" Tatiana yelled at Morgan who was walking past. She ran towards him and jumped in circles.

"Guess what," Tatiana squealed.


"I'm allowed to venture the capital AND build my own school!" she cried out in joy. She was so happy that she grabbed both of Morgan's hands and made him jump with her in circles.

"Congratulations on your success," Morgan told her, "now, I have to leave or else Bjorn will punish me for being late."

Tatiana stopped jumping. Her face came from being overjoyed to poker-faced. He was the first person she told the news to but he was not even excited for her. He is the closest person to her heart because she knows that he is the only one who will not murder her in the future.

"Fine," she sulked and walked away. Morgan looked at her as she marched away. He is thinking of the reason why the princess always reaches out to him first when he is just a knight from a fallen family.

Even if she treats him like a normal person, they can never be friends.

Tatiana returned to her room and saw Elliot, Emma and William chatting. She pouted and went straight for the bed.

"Tiana!" Elliot jumped and ran towards her, "I heard from father that he allowed you to build your own school and venture the capital! I'm so happy for you!"

The princess did not respond and buried her head in the pillow. She was upset about Morgan's reaction but she remembered that there are other things to be happy about like how she is one step closer to her dreams.

She lifted her face and pulled Elliot in. They both laugh and giggled while laying on her bed.

"Did father also mention that you will be allowed to venture outside the capital when you turn fifteen?"

Elliot jolted up and gasped, "what do you mean? I will be allowed to venture the capital when I turn fifteen and not seventeen?!"

"Yes. I'm sorry but I tried convincing him that you should go out with me."

"What are you saying, Tiana?! I am really overjoyed that I can go out of the palace two years earlier than the promised age! You don't know how happy I am!"

Tiana smiled and got teary eyed. She hugged him tight and chuckled, "can't wait for you to grow up!"

Emma and William both congratulated Tatiana on her success. It was time for her to take the next step towards being the person she dreamt of being.


"What do you mean you will give that property to the princess?!"

"It is a simple gift that may help her ease her burden," Bjorn explained while walking back and forth in his study while looking at the maps and records of the previous wars.

This was the first time Bjorn went back home to his parent's home, and it is because his father needs his help in figuring out the weakness of the opposing side. Looking at battle histories with them and finding an opening may give them the chance to finally end the war.

"That is not just any property, my son! That is a mansion that could be sold for a large amount in the future!"

Bjorn's mother wailed when she discovered that her son donated one of their biggest assets to his fiancé, the princess, as a gift. Bjorn never thought about it as a big deal since they have numbers of even bigger assets. It is just his mother that is overreacting to small things.

"Just think of it as a charity," Bjorn told her.

"I do charity, Bjorn, and it is nothing like this!" His mother cried out, "and your father allowed this?! How—goodness, both of you will be the end of me!"

As soon as he heard that Tatiana was permitted to build an orphanage, he wanted to give her his full support. He learned that the palace will not be providing any financial assistance for her and that is why he wanted to help her in any way he can.

"I thought you did not even want to be engaged to her? What are you doing now? Have you changed your mind?" his mother asked.

These days he feels different, and he does not like it. The princess is a constant reminder that if he marries royalty, he will become a weapon and a killing machine that the kingdom will control and he will never want that.

He regards the emotions that he feels with Tatiana is a form of guilt. He can't get enough of her because he feels guilty for the things he did to her all these years and how he hurt her without even trying to know who she truly is.

He stared at the music box on top of his bedside table. It's pathetic that he even brought that here even when he could have left it in his bedroom at the palace.

He thinks that the princess placed a spell on him or something because after she gave him that music box, he can't sleep without listening to it first.

The efforts of years of avoiding her and drawing a line between them disappeared as soon as the princess lost her memories. She became a whole different person and it's hard to believe that a person could change overnight.

'Maybe this is guilt,' he thoughts. 'there is no other reason why I am being like this. If I help her and make it up to her, the guilt will eventually pass and these emotions won't bother me anymore.'

But little did he know the concept of the butterfly effect. One small change in something could affect something bigger over time, and the efforts that the princess has been doing up until now are finally taking effect.



Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now