Chapter 20: The heat

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"My God!" Tim walked to her. "You are breathtaking!"

"Thank you, Tim," She smiled, despite the rioting storm she was within herself. This was the one place her acting skills helped. She took in a deep breath, ready to perform for a lifetime.

"Sweetheart, you look gorgeous! Doesn't she Mark?" Tina came in with Alonso squealed.

"Mark?" Lorena thought, almost rolling her eyes.

"She does," Markris cleared his throat. "Shall we begin now?" It took a lot of effort to tear his eyes away from her—even more, effort to act nonchalant. Still, no matter where he set his gaze, her scent lingered in his brain. The picture she presented swirled around his head, tormenting him. He had been with enough women, but no one ever had this unexplainable effect on him. He just wanted to get everything over with because he was this close to embarrassing himself.

"Are you okay, baby?" Alonso asked, a worried expression crossing his face. She nodded and smiled.

"It's time." Her treacherous voice whispered.

"Still don't agree with this, but good luck." Lorena shook her head and walked straight to Markris.

His eyes almost pulled out of their socket as he watched her approach him. The more steps she took, the more his pants grew tighter. The more he wanted to grab her, and slam her on any available surface, then show her just how crazy she was driving him in that dress. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

Every step was mesmerizing. As she drew closer, he could see the details of the dress even more. The little part in the middle exposed her chest, but a thin material covered the nipple. He imagined running a finger across it and felt a tenth growing in his pants.

"Focus, Markris. You're better than this." He thought, until her scent hit him again, and he was lost. She stood in his presence now, and it was all he could do not to grab her and do dirty things to her.

Everyone watched the two with morbid fascination. Sometimes it felt like they were an odd pair, but no one could deny the sizzling chemistry between them, especially not with how Markris looked at her as if he wanted to devour her.

"Baby, you'll follow my lead, right?" Her words slurred, and Markris groaned inwardly. She sounded like a seductress and a damn good one at that. He didn't know who she was or what had gotten into her. All he knew was that if she kept doing that, he would lose it.

"Sure thing, darling." He managed to say, despite the hoarseness of his voice.

Lorena smiled, just as she had seen the women in old movies do.

"Then let's begin," She grabbed his hands and dragged him to the photography spot. He let her lead the way. Hell, if she wanted, he would follow her to the ends of the earth. That was how much he wanted her. "Are you ready, Tim?" She called over her shoulder.

Tim, who had watched every painful moment of her being all over her husband-to-be, forced a smile on his face. "Ready as a horse." He said, whatever that meant. He just wanted to be done with this torture.

"Everyone leave the room, please. I don't want your energies messing up my pictures." He said, chasing them all away.

"Let's go, Alonso, that's how he is. He hates people around when he's taking pictures." Tina whispered and laughed aloud after.

"If you need anything, baby, don't hesitate to send it for me," Alonso called over his shoulder while dragged outside.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Soon they were all out, and Tim had his camera set. "So, what pose are we starting with?" He asked, already test-running his camera by taking a couple of shots.

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