Chapter 25: The Golden

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"You!" Lorena turned around slowly, with her trembling hands pointing at Markris. "You caused this!"

"What?" He shook his head, looking around him. Indeed she was talking to someone else and not him.

"The wedding was pushed forward because of you!"

"Me? What did I even do?" He placed his hands on his chest, grimly crossing his face.

"You had to talk to your father rudely, didn't you? You love to be the center of attention so much that you played the hero, and now it has backfired." Her chest heaved, and her breathing increased.

"I was defending you!" His voice raised a pitch higher. He squeezed his face, thin wrinkles forming along its lines.

"I never asked you to, though. Every time you intervene in my business, everything goes to shit! Why can't you leave me alone!" She said, her voice breaking down. Her eyes began to twitch, but she fought the tears. She had cried enough. She couldn't let Markris see her tears too.

"You know what? You're right. I don't even know why I bother with you." He looked her up and down, shook his head, and returned to his room.

Lorena stood there in a daze. Had she gone too far? She wondered as she watched Markris leave. He was trying to help, but he did end up fucking it up. She had not even come to terms with the fact she was going to marry him, and now, she had to get married sooner than expected.

She shuddered when she heard him bang his door, and fresh anger arose in her. Snarking hard, she turned around and marched to her room. She jumped into her bed and placed her head under her pillow to muffle her screams of frustration. As she screamed under her pillow, she trashed her legs around, swearing and cussing at intervals.

"Baby, you need to calm down. You'll get a headache."

"No, she needs to let out her frustration. And we need to leave her alone."

"Yeah, you're right."

Lorena paused and withdrew her head from underneath her pillow. Just as suddenly as the voices in her head had appeared, they had disappeared. The first time they had formed a mutual agreement, she didn't even have to scream at them.

"Good girls." She muttered, but suddenly remembered her dilemma again and jumped from the bed. Bawling her fist tight, she began to pace around her room. Her thoughts were filled with flashes of the possibilities of marriage to Markris. Her body may have been deceived into craving the man, but her heart truly despised him. It yearned for someone else and made her feel dirty for even entertaining thoughts filled with Markris.

"Damn, you!" She cussed between her teeth.

Just then, a knock sounded on her door, and she knew exactly who it was. However, she wasn't sure her anger was in check enough not to be a bitch.

"Come in!" She unclenched her fist but continued to pace.

Francesca came in, followed closely behind by Tanika and Roselina. The three women stood together with their heads bowed as the lady paced. This wasn't something they'd typically do, especially Francesca and Roselina. However, the lady was not in a good mood, and no one wanted to cross the line.

"Why are your heads down?" She paused, noticing how quiet the room was.

"Sorry, my lady." They chorused, raising their heads.

"Your father left already, my lady." Roselina blurted out, fishing for a favor.

Francesca kicked her leg for being too forward.

"What was that for?" She yelled, staring daggers at her.

"I am in no mood for bickering you two. Behave yourselves!"

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