Chapter 29: The Critique

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In the middle of Lorena and Verona's closing remarks to their mother, Archie woke up with a cry.

"Hey, baby! You're awake," Lorena smiled, looking down at him. "I think he's hungry." She said and handed him over to Verona.

"Just in time to say hi to Mama," She rocked him gently. His cries began to subside as she drew him closer to her mother's grave. "Say something to Grandma Arch." He instantly began to smile, and then it turned into a giggle. Verona and Lorena's eyes teared up again as they watched him make baby sounds. It looked like he was communicating with her. He went from giggling to smiling at intervals. It went on for some more minutes until he finally yawned.

"Yeah, they're done now, and he needs to feed," Verona said, breaking the silence between herself and her sister.

"Goodbye, mum," Lorena muttered, finally gaining clarity. She knew the repercussions of each possible decision she could take. What she didn't know yet was what the final decision would be.

She sighed and began to clear the ground. They had celebrated their mother, and now it was time to leave.

"Should I call Rebecca to help? It's getting dark already." Verona said, a worried frown on her face.

"No, you go ahead. I'll clean this up real quick. You need to go feed Arch." Lorena replied, folding the blankets.

"Okay, baby."

She watched her sister disappear out of sight with a smile. They had gone through one of the most challenging days of their lives together. She felt Archie's presence had made everything much easier, and for that, she was grateful for the little miracle.

"My lady, do you need assistance with anything?" She heard Rebecca's voice behind her. She whipped her head around to see the older woman staring down at her. The woman had been the daughter of her mother's maid when she was younger. Despite the class differences, she had formed a friendship with her mother. When her mother died, Verona and she inherited the house. They decided to give it to Rebecca as a gift for the loyalty she showed her mother throughout her lifetime.

"I told Verona not to disturb you." She smiled, shaking her head.

Rebecca chuckled, coming closer to her. "She didn't have to. I wanted to speak with you."

"Me?" Lorena asked, taken aback. It was strange to her because Rebecca had never wanted to talk to her in private before.

"Si, darling. But I'll be quick with it, so you listen carefully."

"Okay." Lorena nodded.

"Your father was a lot, but he loved your mother." Lorena's eyes grew wide, her forehead creasing.

"I know it's hard to believe, but he did. In his twisted way, he loved her. He just had too much pride to show her. He grew up when men were taught love was beneath them. You are at a different time, my love. Do not settle." She said calmly, but it sounded like a warning. A warning Lorena could not ignore.

"I don't understand," Lorena said, her face contorted.

"You will soon. Now leave the cleanup to me. I'll do it. Go meet up with your sister." Rebecca said, grabbing her hands.


"Shhhh, no buts. Just remember you're worth more than you think you are. Now go!" Rebecca said, pushing her slightly away. She opened her mouth to argue but couldn't find the strength to voice her thoughts. Sighing in defeat, she said goodbye to Rebecca.

As she walked to her car, different thoughts kept swirling. Did Rebecca tell her that her father loved her mother so she could consider marrying Markris? She scoffed and rolled her eyes. Love? Her father knew nothing about that. Duty, he understood. Business, he was a beast at, but he knew nothing about love. If he did, her mother would still be alive today.

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