Chapter 7

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'Stupid supply closet'

I wake up with Jade next to me, the blanket from her house still covering her, she must really love that blanket. Her eyes are slightly puffy from all the crying, which is understandable. Her hair is messy and un-brushed, chuckled up in a simple ponytail which looks good on her, she doesn't wear her hair up much from what I've seen.
"Why are you staring at me, Vega?" Her raspy morning voice breaks me out of my thoughts, her eyes snapping open.
"I wasn't." I lie quickly.
"You were." She replies, groggily cuddling into a pillow.
"Whatever, I'm gonna go get breakfast, do you want anything?" I ask, beginning to slide out from the covers before a warm hand stops me. "Jade?" I question.
"Stay in bed a little longer, that's what I want." She grumbled, dragging me close to her and spooning me so that I'm the little spoon. It happened so quickly that it shocked me, making me gasp, receiving a chuckle from Jade in response before she snuggles her head into my neck. I can feel her warm breath fanning over my uncovered skin and it sends unforgettable shivers through my body.
"Hey! It's not funny! You scared me." I pout, turning to face her but realise how close our faces are now.
"Awh, baby, I'm sorry." She jokingly teases, kissing my forehead and pulling me in closer so that I'm leaning my head on her chest. I can feel her heartbeat pitter pattering and it soothes me enough that I fall asleep once again.

I wake up to my hair being gently played with and my back being rubbed. It's a sweet feeling, it leaves warm, happiness in my heart. I'm not sure what Jade feels about this but it's a nice feeling for me, just confusing.
"We should probably start getting ready now." A voice breaks me out of my thoughts, Jade obviously.
"What time is it?" I ask, sitting up.
"7:40." She replies, checking her phone. I grumble and get out of bed, throwing some clothes at her before going to the bathroom to change.

We get to school only to be alienated by the rest of the group. Beck must have said something. It obviously sets Jade in a bad mood, she slams her locker closed and we walk away.
"I'll ask Tori about it, though I'm not sure she'd be much help. She seems mad at me." I state as I follow Jade down the hallway, we have 20 minutes to kill before class which annoys me because it means I could've stayed in bed with Jade for a little longer.
"Forget it, Y/n. I'm sure they're just taking sides over the break up." She responds solemnly.
"You don't deserve it though, you're so sweet!" I reply, annoyed that everyones okay with forgetting her because of the breakup.
"Hey, would you keep your voice down? Not everyone needs to know that I can be sweet, it's selective." She mutters, slightly embarrassed which amuses me.
"Selective to what group of people?" I ask teasingly.
"You." She murmurs.
"Come again?" I smirk.
"You!" She yells before pushing past me and walking away, me quickly following behind.

We end up in the janitor's closet.
"Why are we here?" I ask.
"I don't wanna go to class, plus you still look tired." Jade replies.
"So, I have to skip class with you?" I playfully ask, though we both know that I would stay with her as long as I'm able to. She slumps down on the floor and looks up at me.
"Yes." She smirks triumphantly as she pulls me down onto her. My head's resting on her lap as the rest of my body is laying out on the floor.
"Are you sure no ones going to come in here?" I ask.
"Yeah, I spend a lot of time here and no one ever comes in." She replies. She grabs a sketchbook from her bag.
"What's that?" I question, shuffling slightly so that I have a better view of it.
"Nothing, go to sleep, Vega." She demands gently, stroking my hair soothingly.
"Are those fashion designs?" I ask. She momentarily distracted me by stroking my hair but I'm a very curious person.
"Vega, what did I say?" Jade asks, a grumble in her tone.
"They're good." I smile, reaching up to kiss her cheek before laying down once more. "Now I'll go to sleep." I add, closing my eyes and drifting off.

By the time I'm awake I've changed positions. I'm now sitting on Jade's lap in a koala style position, with my head resting in her neck. Her head's resting on my shoulder and she's doing something but I can't quite tell what it is, I'm assuming it's to do with the sketchbook she had out earlier. I yawn slightly in Jade's neck and she can feel it because she starts packing away her stuff.
"How'd you sleep?" She asks with a slight chuckle.
"Good, how'd I end up here?" I question, slightly confused.
"I moved you since you wouldn't stay still and you kept jogging me." She replies simply.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Can I see it?" I ask, moving now so that I'm sitting next to her but still leaning against her arm.
"Are you ever gonna leave me alone?" She grumbles.
"I will once you show me." I smile in response.
"Fine." She sighs, handing the sketchbook over. I sit up and flick through the pages, the sketches are rough but detailed, neat at the same time, they're all carefully labelled and there are samples of what fabric she wants used with each design.
"Jade, these are all amazing!" I reply, looking up at her to see that she was already looking at me. "You're extremely talented." I smile at her.
"It's all just rough work, nothing special." She replies, clearly trying to shake away the compliments and hide her embarrassment. I lean up and kiss her on the cheek once more before I stand up, dragging her with me. "Where are we going?" She asks with a huff.
"I don't want to spend the whole day in a stupid supply closet, we should go somewhere." I reply, dragging her by the hand that was still clasped in mine through the hallways and to my car. Jade decides she knows a place so drives us there. I fall asleep once more in the passenger seat. Apparently I needed to catch up on sleep.

I wake up to see that Jade's taken us to an independent book shop cafe, they're always my favourite places to go. The books are always so good and the staff are nothing but nice.
"I love places like these." I smiled at her. The shop is a maroon colour with a big panel of glass on it so you can see the inside and some of the books that are lining the shelves displayed in the window. The words 'Lire et se détendre' are written across the top of the window in gold.
"Are you ready?" Jade asks, smiling ever so slightly in return but I'll take it.

A/N: I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter

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