Chapter 18

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Oh come on.
"Tori said to come and get you, Cat's throwing up in the toilet." Beck states. "Oh." He mutters, realising how close the two of us are. I pull back from Jade, looking down at the ground. "Hurry up." He adds. His tone has gone colder than before, if that's even possible.
"Do you have any sort of patience?" Jade retorts, pushing herself off of the ground before walking away, leaving me and Beck there.
"I'm gonna go follow her." I mutter, getting up off the ground and quickly following her before my arm is grabbed. "What are you-" I begin before I'm cut off. His face is way too close for my liking.
"She's my girlfriend, so don't try your lesbian tricks on her." He scoffs before letting me go, he pretty much throws me towards the lockers as he does so.
"She broke up with you, remember?" I retort, trying to not let myself get pushed around. I don't want to be seen as weak, though around Jade that's almost impossible.
"Because of you." He yells, pointing his finger at me. I quickly make my exit as to not escalate the scene, heading to the toilet to make sure Jade doesn't murder Tori.

"Everything okay in here?" I ask. Cat's on the floor next to a toilet with her hair being held back by Tori who's looking rather disgusted.
"Cat ate that stupid sausage." Jade huffs as she leans against the sinks.
"I'm okay!" Cat replies, chirpy as ever before throwing up once more then letting out a low grumble.
"She'll be okay." Tori interjects. "But I can't watch this for much longer." She adds, turning away. Tori hates sick.
"Go, we're fine in here." I tell her, moving to Cat and holding her hair out of her face once more. I slip it into a hair tie so that I don't have to hold it.
"What did Beck say to you?" Jade asks. Her tone is as cold as the night we met.
"Nothing, just asking if you were okay." I lie.
"Y/n, I know when you're lying and recently you've been doing that a lot." She retorts.
"There's no reason to tell you the truth." I reply. It's true, there's not.
"Seriously? Do you not trust me?" She asks, walking close to me. I've now stood up to leave Cat to it, though she's seemingly passed out.
"Of course I trust you, Jade. I just think it would be better if I didn't say-" I begin before I'm cut off.
"Tell me what he said." She demands, cornering me against a stall door.
"He just said that you're his girlfriend and that I need to stay away from you-" I explain.
"We broke up!" She yells, throwing her hands in the air and walking towards the sinks.
"I'm not the one who said it!" I retort.
"What else did he say?" She asks. She seems less aggravated at me now, and more pissed that he would say what he did.
"That I shouldn't try my lesbian tricks on you." I mumble.
"What?" She questions, turning back to me. "What I do is none of his business." She growls, heading towards the door.
"Jade, please." I mutter, trying to get her to come back. "Isn't the kick back meant to be fun?" I ask.
"I can't let him get away with saying that stuff." She replies, turning back to me, her brows furrowed.
"Leave it, please. We need to look after Cat." I state, turning to the usually chirpy redhead. "I'll get Tori to drive her home, we can't take her back on your bike." I add.
"Come back afterwards." She tells me, though it's more of a plea.
"I will." I reply before heading out of the toilet.

Tori takes Cat home and agrees to stay the night to look after her. Jade and I end up alone, in silence. We walk back towards her bike, the night had pretty much ended by this point. It was nice whilst it lasted, I guess.
"I'm sorry about the way the night ended." Jade finally perks up.
"It wasn't your fault." I reply as I slip on the jacket.
"I shouldn't have pushed you for those answers." She adds. "I was really enjoying it before Beck ruined it." She mumbles.
"Me too." I reply. I slip on my gloves, looking down from Jade. I didn't want out first kiss to be for the fake relationship, and we haven't had that and technically it wouldn't have been for show. "I'm fake breaking up with you." I tell her.
"What?" She asks.
"I don't want to be with you if it's fake." I state, finally having the confidence to make my feelings clear.
"If it's fake?" She questions. "So... if it was for real?" She adds.
"Then I would like that very much. But only if it's real." I reply, finally looking up at her once more.
"So, how about a date?" She suggests, a small smile creeping onto her lips.
"Tell me when and where and I'll be there." I smile, sliding onto the bike, helmet in hands. Jade looks me up and down before moving closer to me and doing my jacket up. She reaches the top, looking me in my eye and pulling me up to her level before the both of us lean in. Her free hand slips around my waist, pulling me further into her. Our lips connect, instantly warming me as they move in sync. "I'm so glad we waited until this was real." I murmur against her lips as our heads rest against one another.

A/n: Oh I love it, I love it

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