Chapter 16

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'Kickback day'

"It's kickback day!" Trina announces in a sing-song voice as she emerges from the stairs.
"This kickback can't be as good as you're all making it out to be." I reply. It's far too early in the morning to be listening to this. I'm surprised Trina's even up at this time, it's unlike her to be up at 8 AM on a Saturday morning.
"It's the first one of the year, it's always the best one." She states, pouring herself a glass of orange juice.
"What time is it that we have to be there?" I ask with a huff as I check through my phone.
"Around 7, the thing starts at 6 but no one turns up on time." She responds.

"Come to mine before the kickback?" Jade asks over the phone. It's now 12 which leaves most of the day.
"Aren't you supposed to come pick me up considering you're my 'date'?" I question back with a smile.
"Well, considering I don't have a car, no." She states.
"Fine, I'll be there at 5." I reply.
"Don't be late." She replies before hanging up on me.

I get to Jade's house just before 5 and make my way inside. I showered just before I came so my hair is still wet. I head up to the door and knock, let in quickly by Jade as if she was waiting for me.
"Already wet for me?" She chuckles as she closes the door behind me.
"Always." I joke, following her upstairs. "Do you have a hairdryer?" I ask before getting handed one.

It doesn't take all that much time to get ready so we end up talking on Jade's bed.
"So, are you ever going to get your own car?" I ask, though I'd much rather if she kept riding with me. She keeps me company.
"I get free rides from you, so no." She replies. "Though... follow me." She orders as she stands up from her bed and heads to the door with me following.

"What are we doing?" I ask as Jade leads me to the garage.
"Look." She states proudly, eyeing up a slick, black motorbike.
"You ride this?" I question, switching my attention between the girl and the bike.
"I got my licence last week." She replies.
"So I've been giving you all these rides when you've had this beast?" I ask with a slight smile.
"Maybe it's my turn to give you a ride." She says.
"No way, you're going to get me killed." I reply.
"Awh, you don't trust me, babygirl?" She asks with a fake, exaggerated pout.

"You got your licence last week, there's no way we're going to make it there in one piece." I state.
"Well, how about I take you for a ride around the block and you can see how well I can ride her." She suggests.
"Her?" I ask.
"Yes, her. Put this on." She states, handing me a helmet before grabbing one for herself. She then hands me a bike jacket before putting one on herself and the same with some thick gloves. At least she's got safety in mind.
"Why do you have 2 of everything?" I ask.
"Because, I knew I'd convince you at some point to ride with me." She smiles, pulling her helmet on.

Jade gets on the bike before helping me get on behind her.
"Arms around me, babygirl." She tells me as she starts up the bike.
"Don't you dare kill me." I huff as I throw my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me.
"I wouldn't dream of it." She states, I can sense the smirk on her face.

As Jade starts to move the bike, I hold onto her tighter, though after a few minutes I realise it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be.

The ride was short, only around the block like she said but it wasn't that bad, I realise I was being a little bit dramatic.
"See, not that bad." Jade says as she climbs off the bike, helping me off once she's off.
"Fine. You were right." I huff as I take the helmet off my head.
"Of course I was." She states with a cocky smile once her helmets off. "Come on, get your stuff, we're leaving." She orders, grabbing her phone and putting it in her pocket.

I head upstairs and grab my purse bag, slipping it over my shoulder. As I'm about to head out the door, the strap of my bag breaks causing all my stuff to fall to the floor. I curse at my bag, heading over to Jade's desk where there's some sewing stuff. I begin to sew up my bag strap before noticing a journal on her desk. I know I shouldn't read it, but curiosity gets the better of me. I reach for the journal before I'm disrupted.
"Y/n, hurry up!" Jade calls up the stairs.
"2 seconds!" I call back, finishing fixing the strap before heading out the door and downstairs.

"What took you so long?" She asks as I follow her to the garage.
"My bag strap broke so I was fixing it." I reply, pulling the helmet back over my head. I climb onto the motorbike, no longer afraid of Jade crashing it.

As we ride over to school, all I can think about is the journal on Jade's desk. I wouldn't expect her to be the type to keep a diary, so I'm not sure that it's that, but then again she doesn't talk about her feelings at all so maybe it's her way of getting them out. Either way, I'm curious about it, though I'm not sure I should be reading it, it's her privacy and all. But, it could be my way of being certain.

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