Chapter 23

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A honk brings me out of my thoughts on Sunday. I finish touching up my lip gloss and making sure there was no mascara on my lids before heading downstairs to Trina.
"How do I look?" I question, giving her a twirl.
"Awwh, you look so amazing!" She gawks. "What are you guys getting up to?" She questions as I slip my shoes on.
"I'm not sure, she won't tell me." I sigh." I'll see you later!" I call out as I rush to the door.

I get out to see Jade standing against the passenger door.
"No bike?" I question, walking over to her. I don't mind the car, we're able to talk to each other but the bike means I can hold onto her closely.
"No bike." She returns, handing me some flowers.
"You surprise me more and more each day." I smile, blushing as I take the flowers from her. "Thank you." I add, kissing her cheek.
"Ready to go?" She questions.
"Will you finally tell me where we're going?" I reply.
"Nope." She states, opening the passenger door for me. I smile thankfully before sliding into the seat. There's a little hook for a bag connected to the dashboard, a mini fan and a pillow attached to the headboard.
"Did you do all of this for me or did you have it set up like this for Beck?" I joke, sliding my purse onto the hook.
"Beck was never allowed in my car." She states simply as she buckles up.
"So, why do you never drive to school?" I question.
"I don't like to drive so early in the morning." She replies as she begins to drive before handing me the aux cord.
"Oh, you're going to hate me." I giggle evilly as I begin to set up a queue.

After around 2 hours of driving, Jade makes me put on a blindfold.
"Is this really necessary?" I question with a sigh.
"Yes, I want it to be a surprise." She states, her tone of voice giving away her amusement.
"Fine." I huff, sitting back in the chair. "But how am I supposed to control the music?" I add.
"Just let it play." She replies. I had been annoying her with the several different genres that I had been playing throughout the journey.

Around 30 minutes later, Jade stops the car.
"Can I take this off now?" I sigh, clawing at the blindfold.
"No, have some patience." She replies, getting out of the car before returning at my side, opening the door. "Stay here, I'll be 5 minutes." She states before closing the door once more and presumably heading off. Has she just ditched me in the middle of nowhere?

At least 10 minutes pass. What else am I supposed to think over than that this girl has just left me here in her car locked up? Maybe that's why she was being nice... to make up for this. I'm instantly brought out of my thoughts when the door opens quickly, causing me to let out a little squeal.
"Woah, why so jumpy?" Jade questions with a smirk evident in her tone.
"I was starting to think that you had just left me here." I sigh, getting out of the car with her help.
"Awh, you think I'd do that to you?" She questions teasingly as she leads me onto what feels like sand.
"Maybe." I mumble. "You definitely would to Trina or Tori." I state.
"Well they're annoying, you're not. And you're a good kisser." She replies simply. "We're almost there." She adds.
"Where?" I sigh.
"Here." She states, taking the blindfold off of me as she stands behind me.

In front of me is a picnic blanket with a picnic basket set out as well as some pillows and candles.
"It's kind of basic but it's the best I've got." Jade states nervously after a minute.
"I love it." I reply, turning around quickly and wrapping my arms around her neck and hugging her.
"Good, I'd be hurt if not." She jokes with a smile as she takes my hand, leading me to the picnic blanket. She takes a seat and I follow, sitting next to her as we face the sea.

The beach is surprisingly very un-busy, though I suppose it's quite late. The sun's beginning to set since it's already around 7PM.
"Drink?" Jade questions, handing me the hip flask.
"Isn't this...?" I ask, taking a look at it. It's the flask from the night we hung out at Karaoke Dokie all that time ago.
"Iconography." She states with a smile.
"You've put so much thought into this." I reply. "Thank you." I add.
"You're welcome... but don't tell anyone that I can be nice." She grumbles.
"Oh of course not, you've got a reputation to keep up." I reply with a smile.

Jade takes out my favourite food as well as my favourite drinks and we eat as we watch the sun set before leaning up against each other once we're done with our meals.

We spend a few hours in that position, watching the stars in the sky once the sun had fully set.
"It's getting late." I mumble, looking at the time. It's currently 9:30, and we still have to get back.
"Just a little longer." She replies, her hand soothing through my hair. I begin to feel tired so let sleep take me over, Jade can wake me up when we need to get going.

A/n: I'm aware this isn't one of my best chapters, I tried but it's late and I've got college tomorrow...

I hope you enjoyed it anyway!!

I also made a tiktok, my user is mainlyisa!

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