A Strange Case

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It was a chilly day in the picturesque town of Himmelsburg, perched on a hill,surrounded by dense forests and a serene lake called Silbersee. The snowflakes danced gracefully in the air as I rushed to get ready for another day of work. While grabbing a snack of my favorite bread, I engaged in a brief conversation with my wife, Marie. My weary back and legs ached, as they did every morning, but I grabbed my trusty cane and made my way into the kitchen, where Marie awaited.

"Gonzalo, I have some news for you, my darling," Marie exclaimed."Huh? Did the cat decide to use the living room as its personal restroom again? I swear, I can smell something odd," I quipped, raising an eyebrow."Yes, unfortunately, that did happen. But what I mean is, I have something else to share," Marie replied, her voice filled with warmth and anticipation."Alright, go ahead. You're making me nervous now," I said, my curiosity piqued."You're going to be a father... or at least, I believe I'm in the first month of pregnancy," Marie revealed.

A wave of mixed emotions washed over me. While I should have been overjoyed,the thought of passing on my health condition, osteogenesis, to our child filled me with apprehension. Since childhood, I had been burdened with frequent bone fractures and the financial strain of treatment, which often made me feel like more of a liability than a blessing. Sports were always out of the question, and I often felt like a frail old man struggling to keep pace with other children. On the other hand, Marie had dealt with infertility issues and had undergone treatment. I hadn't realized she had succeeded until now.

"You don't look happy. I know you're scared, but we can face this together. Our financial situation is different now, and there's no guarantee that our child will have the same health challenges as you," Marie reassured me, her voice filled with compassion.

"One month? And you didn't tell me earlier?" I questioned, a hint of surprise in my voice.

"I didn't have... I mean, we didn't have much faith in the treatment. It had been almost a year, and I had stopped thinking about it. So, I'm just as surprised as you,darling," Marie explained.

"Oh, God! What are we supposed to do now? Well, I guess I'm going to be a father.But I have to go to work, and it's getting late. Chief Klein will be furious if I'm not on time. You know how punctual he is," I mused, contemplating the challenges ahead.Marie sipped her coffee, engrossed in the television program, as I prepared my thermo for my beloved Mate. While packing my sandwich, Marie muttered to herself:

"And another suspicious accident... God, this town used to be so calm and safe. I hate how the media makes it seem so ordinary," she vented her frustration."They're examining the victim's laptop," I interjected. "The boss must be thrilled. Now they'll have to patrol the entire forest and surrounding areas."It must be noted that the town had experienced a series of peculiar disappearances over the past few months. Although the incidents were not numerous, they had fueled local gossip and speculation.

"The forensic team is examining the body. Hopefully, we'll soon know more," I shared, aware of the growing unease in the community.

As I boarded the bus to the police station, I marveled at the snow-draped trees. Descending the hill, the bus offered a captivating view of the dark, mysterious forest enveloped in a thick fog, contrasting with the serene river valley that stretched beyond the town. Himmelsburg, with its castle-like structure nestled amidst the ancient woods, stood at the border of Austria and Germany. Its ethereal atmosphere exuded a sense of medieval intrigue and mystery.

Arriving just in time at the bustling police department, I found myself surrounded by a flurry of activity. The recent incidents had severely impacted tourism, the mainstay of the town's economy during winter and summer. Peter Klein, my boss, sat in his office, his uniform snugly fitted, a cigarette clutched between his fingers, his substantial belly pushing against his shirt. With his grayish-yellow mustache shifting as he perused the forensic documents, he looked up at me with weary eyes."Hello, Kid. Any progress with the laptop?" Chief Klein greeted me.

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