The Warrior and The Maiden

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A month had passed since I had become a vampire, yet the more time that passed, the stronger the feeling grew within me that there were still unresolved matters to attend to. My newfound special gift, the situation with the cult, and the lingering unsolved cases.

I sought out my non-conventional, yet now familiar, friends, feeling that it would be a good idea to learn more about their lives as humans and how they had become vampires. I spotted Od, seemingly in meditation, and approached him to inquire about his activities.

"What are you doing, Od?" I asked curiously.

"I am clearing my thoughts," he replied, gesturing to his meditative state. "As you can see, vampires cannot sleep, and this is my way of clearing my mind. If you're interested, I can teach you a technique."

I sat down beside him, eager to learn. Od proceeded to instruct me on breathing and focusing. "You must always remain focused," he advised. "Our vampire lives, though sporadic at times, can be wild, and anything can happen and will happen. Moreover, we all carry within us the weight of our past experiences, which, unfortunately, a vampire is able to recall vividly. Given that our experiences aren't always pleasant, this meditation helps me cope with my problems."

"Now, take a deep breath and let your thoughts dissipate," he guided. "Breathe deeply, focus on the scents around you, feel the wind. Clear away everything else..."

I opened my eyes after the exercise, gazing into Od's intense red eyes. I couldn't help but be intrigued by the enigmatic depths of his past. There was an aura of ancient wisdom that surrounded him, and I sensed that his story contained both triumph and tragedy. Finally, after our meditation session, he began to share his tale.

Born in Mongolia during the 1210s, a land steeped in rich history, Od had a past that extended far beyond my comprehension. He had been turned into a vampire during the tumultuous times of the Mongolian campaigns led by Genghis Khan.

In his mortal life, Od had been an elite soldier, a skilled warrior who thrived on the battlefield. He recounted how his wife and daughter lived in a village that fell victim to an enemy clan while his army was engaged in another battle. Upon returning from the campaign, he mourned his family and sought revenge against the responsible clan.

Coping with his trauma through training, Od eventually embarked on a journey to confront the person responsible for his family's fate in a duel. However, he became lost amidst the Mongolian steppes.

"My horse was attacked by wolves, and though I managed to kill them all, my horse was mortally wounded," Od recounted. "I survived by consuming the horse's blood and flesh, and it was then that I encountered him-a vampire who had witnessed my battle against the wolves and decided to turn me instead of killing me. Care to guess what I did after my transformation?"

I shook my head, awaiting his answer.

A smile played across Od's face as he replied, "I hunted them down, every last one-the men who had taken my family, the elderly, the women, and even the children. I was a newborn vampire then, driven by rage and thirst. I fed upon them all and reduced their village to ashes. You see, Gonzalo, we aren't so different. That's why I agreed to have Anastasia turn you."

Curiosity piqued, I inquired further, "And what became of the vampire who turned you?"

"Well, I wanted to test my skills, so I challenged him to a fight," Od boasted proudly. "I think you can deduce who emerged victorious." He added,

"Without a purpose, the life of a vampire can quickly become mundane and devoid of meaning. Immortality may seem like a blessing, but for me, it has become a burden. I hope one day I can find a worthy opponent"

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