The Meaning of Life

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It has been weeks since I embarked on this new lifestyle, I never imagined how fast a vampire can be. As I sprinted through the dense forest, my mind began to calculate the sheer velocity at which I was moving. The rush of wind against my face, the rhythmic pounding of my feet against the ground - it all seemed to blur together in a whirlwind of motion. Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but wonder just how fast I was running.

Drawing from what I could see, my brain started crunching the numbers. I estimated the distance covered per unit of time, taking note of the familiar landmarks passing by in a blur. Using the formula for speed, v = d/t, I began to piece together the puzzle.

The trees rushed by, their branches blending into a mosaic of greenery. I observed that in a mere three seconds, I had covered a distance of approximately 150 meters. With a quick mental calculation, I concluded that my speed was roughly 50 meters per second.

But what about Anastasia and Od? Were they moving at the same pace, or were they even faster? I glanced to my side, catching glimpses of their agile forms navigating through the forest with grace. It was evident that their speed surpassed my own.

To estimate their velocity, I needed a reference point. Spotting a towering mountain peak in the distance, I mentally marked its position relative to us. With my enhanced vision, I estimated the angle between our current location and the peak.

Employing the concept of triangulation, I considered the time it took for Anastasia and Od to reach the same reference point. Given their supernatural capabilities, I hypothesized that their speed was significantly greater than my own.

Running the numbers, I deduced that they were covering a distance of at least 300 meters in three seconds. Applying the speed formula once again, I arrived at an astonishing conclusion - their velocity was around 100 meters per second or 360 kilometers per hour!

The realization left me in awe. The sheer power and agility displayed by my companions surpassed anything I had ever witnessed. It was as if they defied the laws of physics, effortlessly traversing the terrain with unparalleled speed.

As I continued my exhilarating run through the Alps, the numbers whirled in my mind, solidifying my understanding of our capabilities as vampires. The equations and formulas provided a framework to comprehend our extraordinary feats, shedding light on the physical limits we could surpass.

In the midst of the breathtaking landscapes and the rush of adrenaline, I marveled at the intersection of science and the supernatural. I still couldn't grasp the magnitude of what this all meant-the existence of beings seemingly superior to humans, creatures that defied the laws of nature and shattered my preconceived beliefs.

"Where are we going, Od?" I asked, assuming that he had a specific destination in mind.

"To the top of the mountains, the pinnacle of the Alps. Somewhere secluded, away from humans and animals. We're going to climb up-it's not a big deal for us," he replied, his tone cold and curt. Then he added, "You need to awaken your body's awareness and learn to defend yourself in case I'm not close to Anastasia."

Anastasia couldn't resist chiming in with a melodious laugh, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh, Gonzalo, don't let Od's words intimidate you. Scaling the Alps is like a thrilling dance with nature, an opportunity to test our strength and agility. And don't worry, I'll be right beside you, guiding you every step."

Her voice carried a seductive undertone that I couldn't ignore, but I remained cautious. My heart still aches from the loss of my family, and the wounds were too fresh to entertain any romantic suggestions. I needed time to heal and come to terms with my new existence as a vampire.

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