Chapter 18

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"Ah! Ah! Ah! You lay a single finger on me and he is dead!" she threatened.

"Don't worry about me Genevieve! Just fight her, if you don't the world will be in trouble!!!" he pleaded.

I shook my head in disagreement. "I cant let you die..your family needs you" I cried.

"You are pathetic..almost as pathetic as the doctor who created your powers. I don't know what he saw in you." Carmen insulted me.

"You killed Dr. Henderson, didn't you?!! " I angrily asked.

"Yes, unfortunately because of you. He pleaded for us to leave you alone. He offered us everything, money, his house, and even his life. But you were the treasure we were looking for. He was pathetic trying to protect you. And the sad thing is ...where were you to protect him? Some hero you are!!"

Dr. Henderson gave up his life for me?! I felt horrible. I was no hero, just a fool. Instead of saving lives, I was the reason behind innocent people's deaths. I couldn't let anybody else die for me anymore. A smirk spread across her face. She knew that she had finally gotten to me.

"Here's the deal....I will let your teacher go and his family, if you stay here with me."

I looked at Mr. Kent. He was nodding his head no. His wife was tied up with his daughter, they both were terrified and confused.

"Deal." I said.

She dropped Mr. Kent.

"I'll give you a minute to say your goodbyes. "

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