Chapter 26

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I watched in amazement as her nails grew into long silver blades. Her dark brown hair was now a light blonde. She was back to Atomic Woman. Her heart monitor stopped. Did her heart just stop again? The medics stood around confused and staring at the heart monitor. Suddenly her heart was beating normally. I looked to see that she was breathing. She was alive!!

The medics all looked at each other and gave a "did that just happen?" look.

A few minutes after this all occured, we were at the hospital. The suited men were already there waiting. I was going to go up to her hospital room to be with her when a doctor stopped me.

"I'm sorry sir, you are going to have to leave her to rest for now. She is ok, her body has been through quite a beating and is now adapting to the injections she was given. She needs time to rest and heal. I will let you know when you can see her." she explained.

I didnt want to leave Genevieve, not because I was scared to leave her alone. I knew she was ok now. I just didnt want to have to wait with the suited men. I didnt argue with the doctor. I thanked her and walked towards the waiting room.

I sat down and began reading one of the magazines on the table. I felt them gazing at me, it was uncomfortable.

"Hello Mr. Kent" the dark haired man said.

I turned to him. "Hi."

"You know, that took some guts back there confronting me.."

"Well no one else was there to stick up for her,"

"I admire your courage to stand up to me. Listen, to protect Genevieve's identity we are going to have to lie to her parents about what happened. We told them she had been in a car accident in front of the school. If they ask you, tell them you witnessed the whole thing. We have taken care of all the evidence."

"So, your on her side now?" I replied angrily.

"We have been, we've known about her identity this whole time. We seen the good that she was doing, so we let her go."

"Oh and I suppose you were on her side when you snuck the syringe in a bag instead of trying to save her life." I replied sarcastically.

"Sir, I know your mad. I was told to take the syringe. We had no clue that there was any Keloformin left. Dr. Henderson had kept it behind our backs. I meant no harm towards Genevieve." he said with sincerity.

I didnt want to argue with them anymore. I calmed down, it wasn't worth fighting over it. Genevieve was ok and that was all that mattered. I watched as a dark haired woman and her husband come rushing in. A boy in his early teens followed behind them.

"Where is she?!!" asked the woman frantically to the receptionist. The receptionist looked over towards the suited men.

She directed the family over to the waiting room. The woman sat next to me. I saw there were tears in her eyes. I knew those eyes from anywhere.

"Are you Genevieve's mom?" I asked concerned.

"Yes." she said. I watched as the whole family looked at me.

"I am her teacher." I explained.

"Do you know what happened?" her father asked.

"Yes, there was a car accident in front of the school. I witnessed the whole thing." I lied.

I turned to see the suited men glaring at me.

"Is she alright?" asked her mother.

"Yes, she is fine. The doctors don't want anybody seeing her right now though. They want her to rest for a while." I explained.

Her mother wiped away her tears. "Thank you God!" she cried. She turned around to see the suited men.

"Are you guys officers?" she asked the suited men.

"Yes, we were investigating her case. We will talk to her in private, once you all have visited her." the one man explained.

"I'm just so glad she is ok." said her father. Her brother stood there playing a hand held video game.

We were in the waiting room for one hour until the doctor came out.

"Genevieve is up, she is doing very good. You can see her now." the doctor explained.

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