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The entire stadium is packed for the season opener.

Brooke hangs out in the dugout. She can't believe she is actually here. She helps some of the guys do some stretches during warm-ups. She feels ready. Like all of those years of late nights and tireless exams is finally about to pay off.

She is floating right now.

No matter how hard she tries to watch the batter, her eyes are constantly drawn to third base. Cade is in his element. He hasn't stopped smiling. He is fully engaged in the game. Leaning down and bouncing up cheerfully after every pitch. She hasn't actually talked to him since their meeting last week. She hasn't needed to.

Then it's thier turn to bat. Cam leads off and the capacity crowd rawr is almost deafening.

The rest of the guys get solid cheers and claps too.

Then, 5th up, it's Cade's turn.

There are men on first and second. Two outs.

The crowd is quiet now. Even from here, she can see the determination in his eye.

First pitch bounces so clearly off the bat that it echos throughout the complex. It flies over the entire field and out of the stadium.

The place erupts. The jumbo-tron flashes vibrant colors. The music is bumping. The place is electric.

As he comes back into the dugout, he is greeted by the entire team with fist bumps and high fives. Cam grabs his shoulder and pulls him into a full body hug so hard she can see the veins in his hands swelling. Cade embraces him back.

His smile is unlike anything she's ever seen. He is glowing. Suddenly he is looking at her. The butterflies are back. She somehow manages to lift a hand, which he promptly slaps.

That's the tone for the rest of the game. Aside from a walk, he gets a base hit every single time. She doesn't even know much about baseball, but she knows that doesn't just happen. The Hotshots win the game 13-6.

There is a post game celebration. She is invited to come in the locker room for a drink, but she respectfully declines. She's exhausted. Happy, but exhausted. Cam seems to understand. He thanks her and wishes her a nice evening before disappearing behind the door.

She goes up to her office and begins to pack her things. By the time she gets to the parking lot, the cars have cleared out.

She almost jumps out of her skin when she bumps into someone standing outside the staff exit.

"Whoa, I'm sorry." A voice says. A voice she recognizes immediately, despite the darkness surrounding her.

"Cade? What are you doing?" She asks.

"I'm just leaving. I'm sorry." He says.

"What? Why?" She asks.

"I'm not really a party guy, I guess. And I know they're going to get pretty wild tonight." He says.

She doesn't really know how to respond.

"You had an awesome game. You're an incredible player." She says.

She doesn't have to see his face clearly to know he is blushing. 

"I love baseball. This is my place. At least when things are good." He says.

His voice is soft and shy, even now.

She wants to ask. She does not.

"You looked happy out there. I can see you're passionate about what you do." She says.

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