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She finds Cade leaning against her car, looking beat, like he had just run a marathon. His hair is wet, and sticky stands are brushing just above his long, dark eyelashes. He probably ran straight to the showers.

She walks straight over to him, tossing her bag on the hood. She opens her arms, and he falls right into them. If she wasn't holding on, he would probably be on the ground.

"Are you okay?" She finally asks.

Cade looks up to the starry sky above them.

"My career would have been over if anyone had noticed what tonight." He says.

"A lot of people have medical issues. It doesn't make you less of an athlete or less of a person. We can work through this."

He doesn't break his upward gaze. He doesn't say or do anything at all, actually.

Tears silently start to fall from his eyes, streaking down his cheeks and landing on his grey t-shirt.

Wordlessly, she wraps an arm around his side, rubbing gentle circles with her thumb.

The way Cade responds to touch makes her weak in the knees. She has never met someone so desperate for even the smallest bit of physical attention. His head finally falls.

"Would you want to come over tonight?" She asks and is fully braced to be shut down.

"We have an early report time tomorrow." He says.

She doesn't respond.

"Can't be out super late." He adds.

"I mean, come over and stay." She says.

He lifts his head.

"You know I can't do that."

She touches his face.

"If this is about the accidents, I'm not worried." She says honestly.

"It's not that easy. It makes a mess. It ruins everything." He says.

There is a long pause.


They lock eyes for a moment, and then Cade lays his head on her shoulder again. 

"Okay." He agrees, if nothing else, but to make her happy.

The ride back to her place is silent. The radio is playing quietly in the background. The sun is still setting, despite being late. It's actually pretty cinematic, the orange crest along the mountainside.

She slides her hand over to where his is resting on his thigh. She laces her fingers around it. One hand still on the steering wheel.

Cade gives her an exhausted smile.

"Well, here we are." She says as they pull up.

"Do you have roommates or something?" He asks.

"Nope. Just me." She says, unbuckling her seatbelt.

If Cade had any further thoughts, he doesn't vocalize them.

She leads him through the front door.

"Sorry, I know there isn't much. I've been so busy with the team I haven't had time to decorate." She says.

"No, it's nice." He says.

She can tell how nervous he is. As always. She gives him a quick tour before they settle on the couch.

It sort of takes her by surpise when Cade lays right down on her lap. It's instinct for her to tangle her hands in his hair.

It takes longer than usual for Cade to relax. She squeezes his shoulders and gently tickles his neck. It gives him goosebumps, and he involuntarily pushes himself into her. She likes that.
He finally giggles when she uses her fingernails to scratch at the nape of his neck. It's the first time she has seen him smile since the 2nd inning. His cheeks turn red embarrassingly quickly. He rolls over so he is looking up at her. She strokes his perfect skin.
She leans down and presses a kiss onto his forehead. She doesn't know what they are. She doesn't know what she wants them to be. She just knows she likes being close to him. She also knows they both need this.

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