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It feels like the most natural thing ever to be tangled up like this. It doesn't take long until he Cade begins softly snoring into her neck. It is so incredibly easy to fall asleep with the warmth of him pressed up against her.

When she wakes up, it's still pitch black out. They've both shifted and now she is essentially spooning him. He is thrashing lightly, making mumbling noises, like he did in the hotel. These nightmares have to be brutal. Poor kid doesn't even get a break when he is sleeping.

She pulls him back into her, putting just a little force in her touch. He pushes back against her. She keeps her arm wrapped over his side, opening her hand up over his chest and keeping it there. This time, the noise is happier. Relief, maybe. He stops thrashing and goes back under.

She keeps her arm around him so he feels safe.

They actually get a few long hours in after that. She holds him tightly for every single one.

The next time she wakes up, she immediately notices how empty the bed feels. This prompts her to open her eyes. She sits up on her elbow and looks around. It has to be just around sunrise due to the light amber glow creeping through the windows.

Cade comes back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." He says. He is smiling brightly.

"It's okay." She says and returns the smile.

He crawls back into the bed and immediately tucks himself into her. Similarly to how they'd fallen asleep the night before. One leg thrown over top of her. He is exceptionally closer this time.

They actually do sleep until their 8:45AM alarm the next time.

"Good Morning." He says and squeezes her hand.

"Good Morning. How did you sleep?" She asks.

He has that confident glow this morning. It's really is incredible how much of a 180 this guy can pull.

"Honestly, that was probably the best sleep I've had in years." He laughs.

That makes her happy.

"Thanks for letting me stay here. It means a lot to have someone actually care." He says.

She sits up.

"I care about you a lot." She says and kisses his forehead just to make him blush. Which he does.

Then he stands up and stretches. She follows close behind.

"I'm gonna go take a shower if you wanted to join me." She says, flirting.

Somehow, that makes him blush even harder.

"Really?" He asks.

She winks. She makes a scene of walking slowly to the bathroom. Cade is behind her, moving much more slowly.

Once they're in the bathroom, she shuts the door behind them. She takes off her shirt first. Cade's face is twisted into an even mix of awe and apprehension.

She takes his hand and places it on her hip, just to give him a silent approval.

He smiles. She slides his shirt off. Then they're skin to skin. His lean and muscular body pressed against hers.

She is left only in panties while he still has on basketball shorts.

She has her fingers slipped between the waistband and his smooth skin. She can feel the elastic of the diaper, hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm still wearing it." He says sheepishly.

She knows Cade. She knows actions speak louder than words. This makes it easier to slide the short off, leaving him in nothing aside from the gray brief. She touches it with her full open hand then. Just to show him she truly doesn't mind.

"It's dry." He laughs.

She hadn't actually inspected the front yet. However, he was right. It's dry.

He is still smiling.

"Yeah, it is." She responds.

"That's...that just doesn't really happen." He says, beaming.

She kisses him on the lips. He kisses back.

He slides his hands down to caress her backside. The thin padding and her panties don't so much to hide the excitement between them. She slides her panties off next. Cade looks nervous, but takes the diaper off, too. He tosses it in the bin next to the toilet.

He is excited. Very excited. She turns the water on. They're kissing again. The same passion they shared that night in the hotel room. His lips press against her neck in a way that makes her moan. She digs her fingertips into the firm muscles of his back. He grinds on her. She pushes back eagerly.

They do eventually end up in the shower, but that only heightens the temptation. Their skin is wet and thier hands slide over every place they can reach. The kisses grow more desperate. She hasn't ever had shower sex, but it's easier than expected. She props her foot up on the side of the tub. Cade slides in easily. It takes no time at all to get a good rhythm between the two of them. He throws his head back, gritting his teeth. They hold eachother tightly and continue to thrust.

"I'm gonna cum." He says, but she knows the words are too late the way that he immediately starts panting and pushing harder.

"Jesus Christ." She gasps.

Cade can't talk through heavy breaths. He leans against the shower wall.

Once they regain their composure, they hug for a while, letting the water run down their bodies.

She puts a handful of shampoo into the palm of her hand and begins to lather it into Cade's beautiful brunette locks. She expected him to make a snarky comment, but he doesn't. His head actually falls chin to chest. His eyes shut. He shivers despite the steaming water. His hands hold her hips firmly. She has never seen him like this. Completely submitted. His shoulders are relaxed and his mouth falls open just the slightest bit.

It's bigger than it should be. She was just trying to be cute and maybe make him laugh. Instead, he is withdrawn in the best way. She tilts his head back into the stream, scrubbing out the bubbles and letting her nails scratch softly on his scalp. She draws it out as long as she can. Even conditioning just to prolong the process.

She hands him a towel when they are finally forced to turn the dial when the hot water begins to fade. He looks at peace. She's come to know that Cade has extreme ups and extreme downs, but she has never seen him this way. Content. It's everything she never knew she wanted for him, even if just for a moment.

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