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It hits her instantly when she wakes up. Wet warmth surrounding her. She opens her eyes.

The room is nearly pitch black, but there is just enough moonlight illuminating through the window for her to realize the situation she's in.

Cade has rolled away from her, but their arms are still touching and they're both laying on their backs.

She knows what happened. She should have woken Cade up before they went to bed for real. It's weird how little she is actually bothered by the fact that she is laying in a pool of someone else's urine. All she can think about is how to access the situation and do as little damage to not only their relationship but Cade's dignity too.

She thinks about pretending to go back to sleep, but the bed is already getting cold and she has no idea how long it usually takes him to wake up when this happens.

It's probably best to rip the bandaid off, but she needs to compose herself first. Once she does, she sits up and takes a deep breath. The liquid is pooling under her and not soaking into the mattress as she'd expect. He likely has some sort of protector on it that's keeping it on the surface.

"Cade? Sweetheart." She whispers. He doesn't move.

She nudges his shoulder.

"Hey, Cade." She tries a little louder. He stirs and even in the darkness, she can see how quickly his eyes open. He doesn't move or speak. He just lays there. She can see the blankets beginning to rise and fall quickly over his rapidly pounding chest.

She places her hand on it.

"It's alright." She says. He remains still.

She turns on the bedside lamp.

The damage isn't immediately noticeable. They're still under thick blankets.

Cade looks nothing short of petrified.

"Hey, it's okay." She makes sure to make quick eye contact with him. He looks like he is close to bursting into tears.

"Cade, I promise. It's okay." She assures.

She pulls the blankets back. The grey sheets are dark beneath them.

They're both still naked.

She stays calm.

"Why don't you go get in the shower? I'll clean this up and meet you there in a few." She offers.

"No." He says angrily.

"You aren't going to clean up my mess because I'm a fuck up who can't even control his fucking body."

It breaks her heart. She knows how long he has struggled with this. How hard it's been. Like he hasn't been through enough.

"Cade, come here." She says. She stands up and walks to his side of the bed. She takes his hand and forces him up. She wraps her arms around his neck.

"You are not a fuck up. We all have things we can't control. It's okay. I promise. Let me help, please?"

He sighs. Her neck is already soaked with tears where he is hiding his face.

She walks him to the shower, he goes with her easily.

She turns on the water. It gets hot quickly.

"Brooke." He tries to protest.

She doesn't listen.

"Where are the extra sheets?"

He stares at her, his face a mixture of frustration, confusion, and sadness.

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