2x01 Rewrite

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Lucy sat in the ambulance as they raced through the streets of L.A.

She found herself grabbing Tim's hand as he began seizing. "Is he infected?" she asked, voice thick with worry.

"I don't see any bleeding. This is because of the vaccine," said the lady.

With a sharp turn, they were at the emergency drop-off at the hospital.

Lucy climbed out after they had brought the gurney out. Her eyes adjusted to the light as she saw her friends coming out of their shops.

"How is he?" asked Angela.

"Not good. He started going into shock on the ride here."

"Well what does that mean?" asked Angela.

"He started seizing. Really bad. The nurses thought it was because of the vaccine." said Lucy.

She picked at her cuticles as she watched them wheel Tim inside.

"He'll be fine," said Angela. "Tim Bradford won't let a little vaccine kill him."

Lucy let out a soft laugh as she made her way inside.

After what had felt like hours, a short nurse walked up to Lucy.

"Officer Chen?" the nurse asked. "Oh, uh, that's me," said Lucy, standing up.

"Officer Bradford is asleep right now but you are welcome to sit with him. One visitor only, but seeing as you are the only one here for him I assume that won't be an issue?"

Lucy shook her head. "No, that's fine. But, when he does wake up, are more people allowed to visit?"

The nurse nodded. "He will be kept here for observation for a few days, however, he is showing no signs of any infections so it is safe to assume he didn't catch that nasty virus."

Lucy gave her a small smile, "What room?"


"Thank you," Lucy mouthed to the nurse.

Lucy made her way down the hall, turning left and right a few times before finally finding herself standing outside of Tim's room.

She took a deep breath before opening the door. She found Tim laying in his bed unconscious, his chest slowly floating up and down.

He laid pin straight, his hands to his side, his body making a perfectly straight line.

Lucy chuckled to herself softly, of course, this is how Tim slept.

She was unsure if the doctors had given him meds to make him sleep or not, but she knew that there was no way Tim Bradford would be a heavy sleeper.

As quietly as she could, she made her way over to the chairs at the side of the bed.

As she sat down, she pulled out her phone.

With Tim. He's still sleeping, only one visitor is allowed right now. She texted Angela.

She slipped her phone away, causing enough noise to wake up Tim.

"Hey," she whispered, after watching Tim's eyes flutter open.

Tim turned his head to give her a soft smile.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

Tim let out a soft, amused, laugh. "Like hell,"

"You certainly look the part," said Lucy, laughing to herself softly.

"Can I...um. Get you anything?" she asked.

"Water," said Tim, gesturing to the light pink pitcher with cups sitting next to it.

Lucy stood up to pour some water when the doctors walked back in.

"Welcome back, Officer Bradford." said the doctor.

"I feel like I've been hit by a truck," said Tim.

Lucy handed him the pink cup. "Is he allowed more visitors? There are some people who'd love to see him right now."

Tim raised an eyebrow at Lucy. The doctor gave Lucy a small nod before exiting the room.

Ignoring Tim, Lucy went ahead and texted everyone that Tim was awake and that they could all come visit now.

"You'll be stuck here for a couple of days for observation," said Lucy, turning to Tim.

"So I heard," said Tim, adjusting slightly in his bed.

"How are you going to entertain yourself?" asked Lucy.

"Watching some ball, of course," said Tim, reaching for the remote. He flickered through the channels, landing on the sports one.

"You going to bribe some nurses to bring you the better foods?"

Tim let out a soft laugh, "I've been here long enough for them to know my order."

Lucy shook her head.

They sat in an awkward silence, apart from shouting coming from the TV.

The silence was soon disrupted by a cluster of people walking through the door.

"I told you that Tim Bradford won't let a little vaccine kill him," said Angela, being the first one to come through the door.

"Welcome back to the land of the living," said Sergeant Grey.

John then appeared with a gift basket, "I have gifts," he says, placing them down on the side table.

"I also ordered flower arrangements," said Lucy, turning back to look at Tim.

"I do not need flower arrangements."

Lucy frowned, "Flowers counteract this depressing hospital room."

Tim let out a soft laugh, shaking his head as he turned back to look at Angela.

"How long are you stuck here?" she asked, clearly finding amusement in this whole situation.

"Couple days," said Tim.

"Get better, Bradford, we're headed back to the station," said Sergeant Grey, heading for the door.

Lucy was torn. Should she stay with Tim or go back to work?

As if he could read her mind, Tim cleared his throat and said, "You too, boot,"

Lucy raised her eyebrows. "Are you sure?"

Tim nodded. "This room is depressing."

Lucy let out a soft laugh before making her way to the door.

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