The End...? (6x06 SPOILER)

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Lucy dreaded picking up the phone.

"This is a bad idea," Tamara says, placing a chip in her mouth. "You guys just broke up last week."

"I know," Lucy says, staring at her phone screen. "Should I text him?"

"No!" Tamara says, snatching the phone from her. "You have to not pick up to make it seem like you're busy and have better things to do than answer his calls."

Lucy let out a dry laugh. "This isn't high school, Tamara. We are adults and we should be able to adults."

By now the phone had stopped ringing and she had missed his call.

"Suit yourself," Tamara shrugged. "But I wouldn't accept anything less than an apology."

"Mhm," Lucy says, redialing his number.

"Hello?"  he answers.

"Hey," Lucy says, awkwardly looking at Tamara. "Sorry I missed your call."

"All good,"

"So um...why did you call me?"

"I have your stuff. Was hoping we could do a little trade for our things."

"Right," Lucy says, getting up from the couch. "I do have all of your stuff."

"I can be over in...15 minutes?"

"Sounds good," Lucy says, hanging up the phone.

"So?" Tamara asks.

"Tim is coming over in 15 minutes."


Lucy anxiously sat on the couch with a box full of Tim's things.

She had made Tamara go out with her friends because she insisted on being alone for this.

A soft knock on her door made her jump up.

"Hi," she smiled breathlessly as she opened the door.

"Hi," Tim said, giving her a tight smile, holding a brown box in front of him.

They both looked at each other for a couple of seconds.

"Do you...want to come in?" Lucy asks, opening the door wider.

"I don't...think that's a good idea," Tim shrugs.

"Yeah," Lucy says. "One second."

She darts off to grab the box off of her couch. "Here,"

"Can I put this down somewhere?"

"Yes," Lucy says, kicking the door open wider. "Counter."

Tim awkwardly made his way into her apartment and took notice that all of their pictures were taken down.

But she was still wearing that necklace he gave her on Valentines Day.

"Do you...want something to drink?" Lucy asks, closing the door behind them.

"No," Tim says, trying not to look at the necklace. "I just came here to give you your stuff."

"Right," Lucy says.

They stood in silence for a good minute. The air felt so...thick.

Like if either of them were to move the whole world would explode.

"You still have the necklace on," Tim finally says.

"Oh," Lucy says, looking down at it. "I mean, it's still a nice piece of jewelry regardless of the meaning behind it."

"Yeah," Tim says.

There were a few more minutes of incredibly awkward silence. The room felt like it was caving in.

"I'm sorry," Tim blurts.

"For...what?" Lucy asks, looking confused.

"I never meant to hurt you," he explains. "But...I thought that I was protecting you by breaking things off."

"Tim, I--"

"--Lucy. I was scared. I was scared that what was going on in my life was too much for you to handle. And that you would break things off."


"It sounds lame, I know. I just...thought that I was protecting us,"

Lucy stares at him. She examines all the features of his face before speaking.

"Remember what I had said when we first talked about" she asks. 

"Yeah," Tim mumbles.

"I was scared that us dating wouldn't have been worth risking our friendship," she says. "But it was, Tim."

Tim gives her a concerned look.

"It was worth it. I was never going to leave you, Tim. I was always there for you. No matter what you did."

"I know," Tim says. "You didn't deserve what I did and I didn't deserve to have you still stick around and be there for me despite everything."

"That's not your choice, Tim. I chose to stay."

"I know that I'm the one who convinced you that it would all be worth it. That we would have been perfect. But I'm sorry, I'm not."

"I don't care that you're not perfect, Tim."

Tim shook his head. "What do you want from me, Lucy?"

"I want you to realize that it is worth it. That we are worth it."


"Tim," Lucy says, taking a step closer to him. "Were we not worth it?"

Tim sighs, taking a deep breath before answering. "We were."

"And are you going to let this...Ray guy break us up?"

"No," Tim sighs, looking at the floor.

"We can work through this, Tim. You're not alone,"

"I know," Tim says, wrapping his arms around her.


A/N: in my dreams this would happen (but it would be written better LOL) idk how i will survive this break BUTTTT i heard that there shouldn't be anymore after this one!! leave suggestions for more stories!

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