Rosalind (part eight)

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Lucy stirred awake, slowly moving her fingers. She opened her eyes and was greeted with a blinding fluorescent light.

Her head was pounding and she could hear a faint beeping in the background.

She slowly blinked as she turned her head to the left.

"Hey," Tim whispered. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," Lucy muttered, rubbing her face with her hands.

"Well, one surgery later and some internal bleeding permits you to feel that way." Tim laughed lightly.

Lucy smiled at him, "What happened?"

"Rosalind kidnapped you. Again," Tim sighed.

"She just can't get enough of me, can she?" Lucy chuckled silently.

"We uh, found you in a building in the middle of downtown. Rosalind was gone by that time and we haven't found her,"

Lucy pressed her lips together. "Water," she croaked.

Tim stood up from his chair and reached for the pink pitcher at the table at the end of the bed.

He poured some water into the small plastic cup beside it and held it up to Lucy's mouth.

Lucy swished the water in all the dry parts of her mouth before swallowing.

"I guess I'm stuck here for a while then, aren't I?" Lucy asked.

Tim nodded slowly, "At least a week,"

"Great," Lucy sighed. "Even longer than last time."

"You were bleeding internally, you know. The doctors said that you were very lucky."

"I don't feel lucky," 

Tim opened his mouth, but before a response could come out, the door opened.

"Hey," Sergeant Grey said, closing the door behind him. "How you feeling?"

"Like absolute shit," Lucy muttered.

"I bet," Sergeant Grey says, placing a vase full of flowers on her bedside table.

"Those are gorgeous," Lucy says.

"Luna picked them out, she said I was crazy for thinking of getting you chocolates,"

"She can't even eat yet," Tim says.

"Man," Lucy grumbled.

Sergeant Grey chuckled, "I have to get back to the station, but expect more visitors."

"Bye," Lucy smiled, watching as he walked out the door.

"Did Rosalind say anything to you? While she had you?" Tim asked.

Lucy shrugged, "Everything is pretty fuzzy,"

Tim pressed his lips into a thin line, "I'm glad you're okay,"

"Yeah," Lucy smiled. "Me too."


A/N: OKAY. i know that this is kind of a lame way to end the rosalind stories. but can you guys let me know if you like these mini series or rather have me just write the one-shots because i honestly don't know what to do LOL. i hope you guys enjoyed thise little mini series even though it was honestly one of the worst things that i've ever written. this was my first time composing like a mini book but i hope you guys enjoyed regardless. leave suggestions for more stories and don't forget that the new episode comes out on Tuesday!!

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