The Dress (Future Series 5)

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"That dress is gorgeous," Bailey gushed, sipping her champagne.

"Really?" Lucy chuckled lightly. "I feel like this dress really isn',"

"Then try on another one," said Angela.

"Trust me, you do not want to commit to a dress that you don't feel is the right one," Nyla adds.

"It must be so nice to be a man, I bet Tim isn't stressing about his suit at all," said Lucy, heading into her dressing room.

"Don't let the man fool you, he's been freaking out for weeks," said Angela.

"Really?" Lucy scoffed, unzipping the back of the dress. "He seems to be playing it cool,"

"Oh yeah, he's a wreck. You'd think that he was the bride," 

Lucy shook her head, laughing, as she stepped into the next dress.

She looked at herself in the mirror as she zipped up the back. The dress was tight at the top and flowy at the bottom with lace sleeves.

The simpler, the better, she thought.

She emerged from the changing room, adjusting the dress as she took each step.

"I love that," said Bailey.

"Really? I feel like it's so...big," said Lucy.

"I'm pretty sure that they have in-house altering here," said Angela. "If you like the dress, you should get it,"

"How much is it?" asked Nyla, resting her elbows on her knees.

Lucy searched for the price tag, " thousand..."

"That is so cheap," said Bailey.

"Really?" said Lucy, clearly skeptical.

"Yes, really. My wedding dresses were two times that amount," said Nyla.

"Trust me, Lucy. You do not want to get a dress that you only half like just because of the price. If it's in your budget, get it." said Angela.

"I agree, you do not want your wedding photos to go to waste because of the dress," said Bailey.

"Okay," Lucy exhaled. "I think this is the one,"

"I'll go find a sales associate," said Bailey, placing her champagne glass on the side table.

"Oh god, I need to find a dress for the reception too, don't I?" said Lucy.

"I mean, that would be a lot more comfortable but it's not a requirement," said Angela.

Part of Lucy wished that her mom was here with her. It was a special moment that she had been dreaming about since she was a kid. But deep down, Lucy knew that neither of her parents would have been supportive of this marriage.

They were barely supportive of her being a cop let alone marrying one.

"That dress is gorgeous," said the sales associate, following close behind Bailey.

"I feel like this dress is a bit...too big for me," said Lucy.

"Oh, don't worry about that, we have free alterations here," said the sales associate. "it makes everything just so much easier."

"Oh, wow," said Lucy.

"Why don't we go ahead and pin everything and we can send it off to get altered," said the sales associate, ushering Lucy back into her dressing room.


"How was dress shopping?" said Tim, sitting on the couch waiting for Lucy to come home.

"It went perfectly," said Lucy. "What about your tux?"

"Smooth sailing," Tim shrugged. 

"Don't lie, Lopez said that you were freaking out," Lucy chuckled, placing her bag down.

"That little.." Tim muttered.

"As much as I wish that I was there to witness it," said Lucy, digging through the fridge. "I'm sure Lopez will gladly tell me all about it,"

"All she does is make fun of me and says 'you're such a man' to everything I say," said Tim.

"Oh, I've heard what you said," said Lucy, handing him a beer and joining him on the couch. "And she's right, you're such a man," she says, scrunching her nose at him.

"Did you pick out your dress?" asked Tim.

"I did, it is being altered as we speak. Did you pick out a tux?"

"I did. Well, Lopez did.." said Tim, taking a long swig of beer.

"We should start talking about our honeymoon," said Lucy, reaching for her laptop.

"Well, where do you want to go?" asked Tim.

"If we had infinite money, I'd say we spend a month touring around Europe,"

Tim shrugged, "I don't hate the idea of Europe,"

"We could do a cruise," Lucy suggested, aggressively typing into her laptop.

"I'm not a fan of the water," said Tim, leaning closer to Lucy.

"Well, a cruise will take us all over Europe and it is a lot cheaper than us flying everywhere and booking all of these hotels," 

"Fine, cruise it is,"

"They have a two-week baltic cruise that leaves from England,"

"Sounds expensive,"

"It's really not that bad if you think about it, the package includes a room with a balcony, a drink package, and a hundred-dollar credit for the casino,"

"For how much?"

"A thousand dollars. That is just the base package though..."


"Come on, Tim. We should go all out for this. It's our honeymoon!"

Tim sighed, "This is really going to hurt our wallets, I hope you know that,"

"Well, you can win it all back at the casino," Lucy smiled, skipping away with her laptop. 


A/N: heyy!! i don't think that i'll write a full in-depth story about their honeymoon when it gets to that part of this little series, but i'll definitely write maybe one or two stories of them on their honeymoon! leave suggestions for more stories!

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