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Six: The Battle of Two Lions

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The fruit Gavriel ate soured in his stomach the longer it sat.

How could he have had breakfast, those who loved him surrounding him, while Arietta was—

The guilt was acid through his intestines.

This morning at breakfast, even Cael had given Gavriel a sympathetic look. The hawk shifter rarely showed any emotion—that he had that much concern for Gavriel meant his current state was truly alarming.

Making his way to the aerie slowly on foot, Gavriel glanced up at the sky. The sun had not yet broken through the trees, the crisp morning air cold as it whispered across his skin.

It mocked him. Just a few days ago, he sat on a rock outcropping watching that same sun rise with his mate.

Only his memories gave him solace. He remembered the way her hair fell softly against his fingers when he dared to reach out to touch. His ears could still hear her gentle laugh, the one that sounded coarse, as if she did not use it often.

His fingers itched to hold her. Just for a moment. The way he was supposed to since the moment he discovered her connection to him. Back when he had thought he would have forever. When he thought his worst problem was convincing her to stay with him and his people.

"I'm a fool," he told the surrounding trees.

At the aerie, Gavriel tapped two fingers against the entrance—a signal to Ronan—before opening the door.

He stepped into immediate noise.

"—why you'd be so mean!" Brynn put her hands on her hips.

Ronan only snorted.

"See!" Brynn pointed a slim finger at Gavriel's second. "You don't agree!"

"I don't. Because it's stupid."

"Comedies aren't stupid!" Brynn scoffed. "Next you're going to say romance movies are dumb."

Ronan, wisely, said nothing.

Or rather, unwisely.

Brynn threw up her hands. "Galetta, save me," she muttered. "Don't Southern Territory shifters watch anything?"

Ronan shrugged. His amusement was evident from the minute crease in his cheek.

At least someone in this territory was having fun.

"Sure. We turn on the news during our meetings with Gavriel."

"I mean something enjoyable."

"Why would we waste time watching human and wielder garbage?"

"It's not garbage, it's entertaining you—you—" she broke off, the frustration stealing her words. She turned, telling Gavriel, "Corral your Lieutenant, O'Connor—"

Ronan put himself between Brynn and Gavriel. His second in command lost his grin.

It was very humbling that his mere presence could suck the joy out of others.

And yet... he and his leopard did not care. He had more important things, life-dependent things, to worry about.

Behind Ronan, confusion muddled Brynn's brow.

Gavriel did not waste any time with small talk. They had officially exhausted all options.

Except one.

One he had thought of at the beginning, but could not ask until now.

Until his desperation had become a boulder on his chest after they had backed him into a corner.

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