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Ten: Wielders of Magic, Saviors of Old

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Magic filled their world. Since the dawn of Eravella's creation, the territories juggled magic and all the troubles and dangers that came with it.

When she was little, instead of lullabies and made-up stories, Brynn's mother told her the stories of their history.

"Magic is dangerous," her mother used to tell her on those late nights. "Centuries ago, back when shifters and wielders fought for power and territory, our people fought for peace."

Her mother sat in the corner of her small childhood room. Only the dim lamp next to her bed offered any kind of light in the tiny room. As her mother spoke, she polished her leather fighting boots. Her mother never sat still. Instead, she was always in motion. Always making sure she was ready for whatever or whomever might try to challenge them.

"We found our peace here, where we call home," her mother said, working on a small trouble spot on the leather. How she saw anything in the darkness Brynn never knew. Her mother saw everything. Even in the absence of light. "Our people were quiet. We kept out of the wars. We became self-sufficient. And we've been successful."

"When the wielders sought to take our land, we fought back. And without Darren Weatherfeld, our home would have been lost."

Darren Weatherfeld. Her older brother's namesake. The hero of their people. The man who had kept their people safe, back when they'd been nothing but a fledgling group of people.

"Darren kept our people safe," her mother said, "by leveling the playing field."

"He showed the wielders that they couldn't step all over us," Little Brynn said, wanting to contribute to the story. Wishing to help.

Desperate to be needed.

"That's right," her mother lifted her boot, angling it towards the light. "Because why?"

She loved when her mother asked her questions. It meant she wanted Brynn to know. She wanted her daughter to be able to tell her people's stories. To make her proud.

As a child, that was her only goal: to make her mother proud.

"Because Darren could take their magic away from them," Brynn said. "And he could give it to our people."

"That's correct," her mother said. And it was like the sun had come out, even in this dark room. "Darren represented everything our people are," her mother told her. "We are peaceful until provoked and we keep our own safe, whatever the cost."

One night, after her mother turned the light off and made to leave the room, Brynn got courageous and asked, "Who does Darren's job now, mother? Who keeps us safe?"

The question made the darkness grow tense. The silence was a heavy weight until her mother finally responded. "Darren's ability was passed down to his daughter, and her daughter after. Only one could carry the magic at a time. We were safe until Selena Fredricks, the last known descendant of Darren, abandoned her people. We are responsible for our own safety now," her mother said, steel in her tone. "This is why you cannot slack on your training like you like to do."

"Yes, mother."

"Goodnight, child."

Brynn glanced up at the mass of glass and steel that climbed into the sky. If her people knew the treasure she'd found, who she might have found, they would be astounded.

The magic had been lost. The ability to keep themselves and their land safe had been taken away from them.

If Brynn did this right, she may be able to bring it back to them.

And then, for the first time in years, Brynn may return home.


"They're heading into the Governor's office today," Daedre told Gavriel over the phone.

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