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Fourteen: Clarity

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Gavriel launched himself forward, paws heavy against the damp forest floor. His focus singled down to a fine point. Until it was nothing but him, his leopard, and the distance between him and his enemies.

Heat flushed through his limbs. They dared show themselves on his territory. They dared to come back after what they did to his people.

He would not allow them even a few miles close to those who meant the world to him.

Finn and Lianna were tight at his flanks as he raced through the territory. Although Finn was a wolf, he kept close at his side. Gavriel welcomed him there. And if he couldn't keep up, Finn would simply round out the back.

Trees whipped past him. His claws dug into the mud and leaves. Pushing him faster.

They would not get past him this time.

His leopard snarled softly in agreement.

Gavriel tucked between trees. Dodged fallen logs. Leaped over the small stream to the north of the inner home.

Faster, he urged his leopard. Faster.

Camera seven had given the warning. Two dark clothed figures, wielders, entering the woods.

Finn dropped behind him. Lianna stuck tight for another mile, then slowed herself behind him.

Adrenaline was a live wire in his veins. He could run at this pace for as long as he needed to if it meant getting his teeth into the enemy. If it meant protecting those he loved.

Close. Closer. Gavriel pushed his limbs. He dodged left, past a large oak in his way.

A vision of Arietta accompanied him as he ran. Arietta tied to a chair in a windowless, concrete room, her skin a mottled mess of angry red welts, dark blisters, and gauze.

A leopard snarled a warning to his left. Lianna.

Gavriel turned and launched himself up into a tree. His claws dug into the bark, giving him purchase as he scaled upward.

At the top of the trunk, the tree split into two–a perfect spot for him to perch.

Or scout prey.

He just barely held back his snarl as something snapped in the distance. A low curse accompanied it.

"Shh," another voice hissed.

Gavriel counted two. Vaulting from one tree to the one adjacent, he lifted his nose to the wind. Then scratched at the bark beneath him. Once. Twice.

Two, he'd signaled to Lianna.

The soft but rough sound of claws on bark answered him. Understood.

A grunt, then, "Damn it!"

"Quiet, Peterson. Do you want them to know we're here?"

Gavriel peered carefully through the tree branches at his prey. Only two. Reaching out with his senses, he caught their scents more fully. The sharp smell of magic was heavy on both of them, threaded so completely through them it became their scent.

Gavriel took stock. Two wielders. Both broad-shouldered. Males. One tall, one shorter. They had on thick dark helmets, as if that would help protect them. Neither of them had any cameras or gear like those involved in the attack. What had Brynn called them? Night-vision goggles?

A rock thumped to the ground nearby.

Both wielders whirled right. "What was that?"

Gavriel tilted his head. His leopard slunk low on his perch. Claws held tight to the bark of the tree. Ready to spring.

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