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Twenty: The Rebel In The Dark

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Brynn's hands shook as she closed her open programs and hit the factory reset on the cafe computer. She only watched long enough to ensure the computer proceeded with the reset before she was up out of her chair.

Ronan gripped her elbow, tight but warm, as he guided her towards the back exit.

"You think they're with the Governor?" She asked Ronan, their steps swift against the tile floor.

"They're sniffing at the rental car," Ronan said. "It's not a luxury vehicle. No other reason to pay attention to it."

His explanation made sense. Her instincts also sounded all the silent alarms. She hadn't gotten as far as she had by ignoring her gut.

At the back exit of the cafe, Ronan paused for a moment, peering out the rear glass door.

The bell on the front door rang with an incoming customer.

"Ronan—" Brynn swallowed her words as the leopard shifter opened the back door.

Brynn followed him out.

Ronan pushed her sideways off the concrete back steps. She stumbled and fell to her knees. Just as a soft, sharp sound accompanied something hitting the brick behind her.

And then Ronan was there, all but pulling her back on her feet.

Shoes scuffed on the asphalt. Ronan whirled. A man slammed into Ronan.

A growl ripped through the night air as Ronan wrapped his arms around the man. A quick twist, a shift in feet, and the man hit the ground with a thud. A gun clattered to the pavement.

Brynn made herself move, assessing the surroundings. She launched herself forward, covering Ronan's back as he dealt with the man.

Barely a moment later, Ronan pulled her arm again. "Let's go."

The two of them cut around the corner of the building—

Just as two more men strolled up on the sidewalk. "Going somewhere?" one asked in a gritty, hoarse voice.

"Why yes, we are," Brynn said back. The Governor's goons would not intimidate her.

The other guy, a wide fellow with a nasty-looking jagged scar across his cheek, spit on the pavement next to his feet. "Boss wants to speak to you," Scar said.

Brynn curled her lip in disgust. These weren't the Governor's usual team. These weren't men who could hide as security. They were hired muscle.

These men wouldn't have any qualms about killing her or Ronan. Not that the other guards had been much different. But at least the other guards would make it quick.

These men wouldn't care about making a mess.

"Tell your boss we're not taking appointments," Brynn said.

Ronan was a fiery brand at her side. He stepped forward, just slightly in front of her.

Brynn sucked in a breath, noting the guns at each man's side.

Scar smirked at her. "Boss didn't tell us we'd have this much fun tonight."

Around them, the wind kicked up, whipping her hair around her.

Brynn froze. A wielder.

Slowly, she used her toe on her left foot to pry her right heel out of her sneaker. Each of the men had a gun, which gave her two options for weapons. She just had to be quick enough.

The taller man on the right stepped forward.

The sound that came out of Ronan was pure beast.

It only made the taller man grin. "Don't worry kitty cat, you can come too."

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